Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

whoa whoa now, greedo and flying artoo was waaaaaay worse than this. That would be more like if the falcon started walking on her landing gear like an AT-AT.
I never minded flying artoo as much as everyone else.

I hated the fact that in the OT it was never explained how he could do stair or bumpy terrain

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breaking the rules for the Superman logo

You circled the wrong banner :)

A funny thing happened on the way to Star Wars... I had to work Monday, so I was already concerned about missing the trailer and missing out on tickets. Luckily, I had scored tickets - but, as I put Monday Night Football on around 9:45 or so... the alarm goes off. No live trailer for me. We get back from a dumpster fire - get YouTube running on the big TV - the alarm goes off. Several hour later this time after another dumpster, but this time with several houses on fire - I finally get to see it (a few times, too).

Lots of cool stuff - but, maybe it was the events leading up to it and the build-up with it all - well, I just think the previous teaser was better. The more dramatic entry with full Star Wars theme with the Falcon and Han's "Chewie, we're home" was just a bit more "OMG."

Nothing wrong with this final trailer - I think it fully delivered everything it needed to. It gave us everything we needed and more - and lots of little details that we're already deciphering. But, overall it was a bit rote. Still, I get chills even now watching it hours later.

Loved Kylo's voice.
My four year old made it until Kylo started talking and then he was done. It was just like on the cartoons. There was a little puff of smoke and he was gone.
That the Falcon's turret should rotate seems pretty obvious. It must have been doing so when Luke and Han were shooting at the pursuing TIE's after escaping the Death Star.
I'm guessing these guys are the Knights of Ren or something along those lines :?ImageUploadedByTapatalk1445344920.850498.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1445344930.133289.jpg this last screenshot looks like they are surrounded by corpses but I could be wrongImageUploadedByTapatalk1445344943.635436.jpg
Oh no....I hate that reverse turret thing more than greedo shooting first.

It's as bad as flying artoo.

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Na, it doesn't bother me, with the old MPC kit I used to think it did that when I was a is a circular turret after all?? was just the ladder that added the stationary element & that Han & Luke were able to look down the access tube to each other during the DS escape....

...another lovely shot bathed in sunlight:


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