Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

breaking the rules for the Superman logo

WOW... I got serious tingles down my neck and spine when they cut the the familiar music while the Falcon is dodging through the Star Destroyer wreckage.
The variation on the Imperial music is AWESOME.

Curious who the voice is talking to Rey. It's not Leia, is it? It doesn't sound all gravely like her.

I'm downloading it now so I can watch frame by frame like a good freak should.

I'm pretty amped for this now.
I am kind of hoping, though, that nobody is un-expendable and there will be some serious "They killed _____?!!!?"

The fact that Luke still isn't really being shown means he's probably going to have a seriously epic first scene.

Does anyone else think that the scene with Kylo and Poe might mean he gets turned to the dark side?
Oscar Isaac isn't 100% typecast as a bad guy but he doesn't have a history of playing shady dudes.
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Curious who the voice is talking to Rey. It's not Leia, is it? It doesn't sound all gravely like her.

"The's calling to you" Sounds like Carrie delivering that particular line after listening a few times.
"Who are you?" sounds like it is someone else.
I'm pretty amped for this now.
I am kind of hoping, though, that nobody is un-expendable and there will be some serious "They killed _____?!!!?"

So you're hoping they'll kill off main characters for shock value? This isn't "Lost". The "Star Wars" movies shouldn't be killing off main characters just so that people will be talking about it. Just because I think that would be in poor judgment though, doesn't mean I think you're wrong. In fact, I'd bet you're right.
Some wee things I noticed from the trailer

Open hatches of the landing gears

The turret is turned backwards to shoot at the TIE


Oh no....I hate that reverse turret thing more than greedo shooting first.

It's as bad as flying artoo.

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Never minding the original three films you have to expect Han and Luke have been through a lot since ROTJ so I'd wager Han has SEEN some things he'll take to his grave.
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