Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

From what I've heard, hope and believe, we'll get at least one more teaser...

Actual 1st trailer sometime around late April to late May.

I'm hoping they'll screen a trailer at SW Celebration in April.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Let's see... More stuff to respond to... I go with 5'10" as the average for Stormtroopers. Mark Hamill -- at 5'6" at the time -- was well below that. Harrison Ford and Joe Johnston are just too big for that armor. :p I go with upscaled fanmade TK armor for my own kit, because I'm a fairly solid 6'1".

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The lightsaber sounds have always been very distinctive to me, and sound editing is so precise of course they picked the ANH lightsaber sound to use. Even if it's stretched a bit, a la Luke cutting open the AT-AT hatch in ESB. The saber he built sounds very different. And remember, the ANH saber shows up in the concept art. Presumably someone somewhere has retrieved it from Cloud City. I've had fun working on the mix for my own custom saber.

* * *

Regarding slow pacing of Episode I. Boy howdy. Long shot, medium shot, dialogue close-ups, long shot, cut to. Over and over. People standing in semicircles talking politics and leaving the audience behind by referring to things with no context. I had so much fun un-borking the Prequels. My Episode I (which I renamed "A Long Time Ago") comprised about the middle and part of the end of TPM. Opening shot exactly like Star Wars, except panning down to Naboo instead of Tatooine, the Tantive IV is nice and clean, and there's no Star Destroyer in pursuit. Bail Organa has been sent to enlist the aid of famed negotiator Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. Qui-Gon, his old friend and mentor, has a sense through the Force that he needs to be there, too. The queen (hereditary, thank you) is strong-willed and insists on going, too, but in her own ship. Mysterious assailant forces them to divert to Tatooine where we meet a teenaged Anakin. Elements borrowed from AOTC -- Owen and Beru, Cliegg Lars, how the latter bought them, freed them, and married Shmi. The Gungans are later, first planet invaded by the CIS in the Clone Wars. No Jar-Jar or Boss Nass. And they speak their own language with subtitles.

All about establishing the setting, introducing the central characters, and making the audience care about them. It was the work of five minutes with that script to make it a better movie, but I wanted it to be as epic as we'd all come to hope. Drop tidbits in dialogue, but not whole expository scenes. I did a lot to establish the setting (what Episode One is supposed to do, after all) in the opening crawl. Enough to tell people where they are and what the general mood is. Then the audience is picking up the clue-crumbs as the story unfolds. Y'know... Kinda like the Original Trilogy.

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

We know the bad guys appear to have Darth Revean, Darth Bane, and Darth Vader’s helmets.

How do we know that? We have seen Vader's helmet, but not the others. That would be awesome if they included the others! Revan and Bane are definitely from two of the best EU sources. I can't see even the people who think they hate the EU not liking those two characters and associated media (KOTOR and the Darth Bane novels).

A Holocron would be cool, but there's so many other Sith artifacts that it could be anything. An amulet, sword, lightsaber, scrolls, etc.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Also keep in mind folks this is not even a real "teaser" trailer. It's more of an "announcement" trailer. It's a fact quite a few people out of our sphere of interests had NO idea a new Star Wars movie was being made... The real teaser should be May, followed by the big trailer some time in Sep/Oct.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

If this is all true, which I believe it is then this is going to be the star wars film we all (bar a few) deserve. I believe some irrational decisions aside JJ will want to make up for the last 3 films with one huge blow.

I predict lots of who cares abut the big 3 as we move into VIII as it will work and not be A Queen tour of a film!!!
I also am growing a lot of destine towards the hating of JB being a lead and stormtrooper across the net, seriously people need to get out of the dark ages!!! I could not be happier for the man and hope it elevates his career as opposed to ends it be it a good or bad performance. I'm also avoiding Attack the Block so I will only know him as this character when I go to see the film in LA next XMAS on MY ******** BIRTHDAY
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

After reading the spoilers, I'm wondering if MVS could be playing Kannan? If I'm thinking correctly, he should be about in his mid-60's during TFA. Just a thought.
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