Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release) (Spoilers)

We agree, but based on what you wrote you have very specific expectations. All I am suggesting is we keep an open mind as I think this creative team is looking to do something new and exciting.
Consider my mind gaping. And I have no specific expectations for the movie aside from a fun, enjoyable ride. The "reunion" scene I mentioned I'd charaterize as more of a fingers-crossed-eyes-squeezed-shut-pray-to-the-maker hope than an expectation.
I apologize if I mischarecterized your comment. :)
You are forgiven. [emoji6]
Give me a good story and visuals that remind me of the OT. Other than that, I don't care which characters show up where, what lines they say specifically, or what the opening scenes feature (after the required crawl of course).
What I don't want is the equivalent of the first episode of the two part TNG Spock episode.

Where they spend 43 minutes and 50 seconds looking for Spock, and in the last ten seconds he steps out of the shadows and says "Indeed you have found him"

But with Luke.
I'm really digging a lot of these rumors. I'm super pumped that Han and Leia still push each other's buttons.

I do hope they have a good goodbye though. That is literally the only thing that will give me closure over the death of Han.
I could buy that Leia was too busy to train to be a Jedi, but she still could have picked up something since then. I mean she's Anakin's kid. I would think it would be easy to pick this stuff up.
Posted by Umberto Gonzalez (from Latino Review) on Instagram

"HOT RUMOR! Received multiple emails describing latest #STARWARS trailer! The following is unconfirmed & contains SPOILERS!

Like the first teaser it opens with a shot of the desert planet. Although it's not dunes. It's a destroyed AT-AT on its side.

Voice over (sounds like Lupita Nyong'o): "I shall show you the story..." Forest location with a very large structure (like a castle or something) with an opening in the base of a large tree. I believe this is the Puzzlewood location.

VO continues "of who you seek..." A large city in a tropical location. Looks like it's on the water.

VO continues "the one who taught me..." Cloaked figure (maybe Luke?) standing at the top of stone steps on a high green hill with mountain stones behind him. This is definitely Skellig Michael.

VO continues "I know why the weapon came to you." John Boyega (Finn), Daisy Ridley (Rey), and a small blue alien with a CG face in a dark (underground?) cave. Finn takes a lightsaber, and turns it on revealing a green blade. Rey is in the background and looks disturbed.

Things pick up from here. Lots of quick shots.

Han Solo wearing a brown duster and looking past the camera.

A black TIE Fighter attacking the forest location we saw earlier.

Kylo Ren in a POV shot approaching someone on the ground. His mask is dark with silver accents. The cross-guard saber is ignited.

People running in the city seen earlier in the trailer.

R2-D2 making a forlorn beep.

C-3PO and Princess Leia in what looks like a base command center.

New Voice Over (sounds like Andy Serkis from the first trailer) "Don't get too sentimental". As that VO is playing we see Han looking at Leia and then walking away from her towards the Falcon with Chewie.

The snowy forest from the first trailer. Slow shot of Finn holding the saber, looks like he's protecting Rey from someone as we hear Han say "You can do this kid, I believe in you." Final shot of the trailer is a close-up of a hooded head looking up to reveal Luke.

Another description. Again unconfirmed

I can't believe this. It's AWESOME. It's longer than the last trailer. It has dialog and it's Lupita Nyong'o talking about the one who trained her and the lightsaber. THEY SHOW LUKE! He looks badass! Han and Leia are in it more than once and you even hear Andy Serkis say "don't get sentimental" or something like that. The saber is GREEN (not blue like in the concept art) and it looks like Finn is the new Jedi because he's the only one using in it the trailer. He has it in the forest at the end of the trailer while Han is saying something about believing in him before they SHOW LUKE'S FACE. He looks crazy badass! Oh yea they show Kylo Ren's face too and it kinda looks like Revan but different. There's also this kick ass looking black TIE Fighter wrecking s***. It's so ******* cool. "
The older spoilers did say the sabre was being held by a robotic hand, Luke's ESB hand was still flesh and blood, for it to be his he would have to have had the same hand cut off again.
Jason Ward of

Jason Ward: Newest trailer report is fake. Confirmed with my sources as a fraudulent exercise in spoiler reading.

Jason Ward: I'd love for nothing more than a trailer to confirm my investigative reports, but that is not the case in this instance.

Germain Lussier: As per recent RT, apparently that Force Awakens Trailer description is BS. Leans so hard on leaked concept art, that makes sense. Bummed.
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