Star Wars: questions you've always wanted answers for

Heres a question I've always wanted answered: When Han goes into the carbonite in ESB he has arm braces on his upper arms, when he comes out of it in ROTJ they are gone. What happened?
hmmmm possibly the freezing cause them to become brittle? Han must have been fighting to get free as we see he comes out in a different pose than when he went in cuffed they could have shattered....
Heres a question I've always wanted answered: When Han goes into the carbonite in ESB he has arm braces on his upper arms, when he comes out of it in ROTJ they are gone. What happened?
Why did the council want to bring balance to the force?? When you out number Sith 50:1 I would prefer to keep those odds, screw balance
I think I read an explanation once that the binders were made of carbonite. :lol

But didn't an Ughnaught fiddle around behind Han's back? He could have been removing them.
My question is, because they have never published a photo of Sebastian Shaw with Jedi robe without ghost effect?
...Why did the council want to bring balance to the force?? When you out number Sith 50:1 I would prefer to keep those odds, screw balance
The whole concept of "balance" is skewed in Lucas' universe. Balance would be an equal number of Jedi and Sith who are so perfectly matched that they would keep each other in check, but according to Lucas balance means eliminating the Sith entirely. :rolleyes
I always thought it would be an interesting idea if it's realized that rather than there being equal numbers Jedi and Sith, that there should be none at all. No Jedi and no Sith.
Regarding the Jedi robes, there might have been a company that made all the jedi robes for the then thousands of Jedi, who suddenly found themselves with no customers and a whole lot of merchandise to shift, so maybe they dumped them on some whosesalers, and the people of tattoine picked them up on the equivalent of the local pound shop.
Is there any Canon reason why the empire moved from using clones to open enrollment to fill their ranks? I know in the Legends Universe, there was a clone uprising on Kamino but all that got tossed out, right?
Is there any Canon reason why the empire moved from using clones to open enrollment to fill their ranks? I know in the Legends Universe, there was a clone uprising on Kamino but all that got tossed out, right?

It makes sense from a control perspective. You would need the enthusiasm and community of an enrolled military in order to keep people positive about the government. If the Empire stuck with clones, it would feel as if the Galaxy is just a slave to the emporer and his lab-created soldiers
No idea what is or was canon, but it stands to reason Kamino would run out of genetic material for Jango. I guess they could use a new template or templates. Lucas said in the SW DVD commentary, IIRC, that by the time of ANH they were a combination of conscripts and clones.
The full order of clones from Kamino was one million. Aside from the fact that that's a ludicrously small number to fight even a single battle of even a single war on a single planet, let alone what the Republic was facing, and proving George has no real idea how such things work... we only saw a portion of that, maybe a quarte at most. The rest were in various stages of partially-grown.

The best way to expand the ranks in a hurry is to open up recruitment. A thousand worlds, with populations averaging out to a couple billion each... If a tenth of a percent enlist, and a tenth of a percent make it through to be Stormtroopers, that's a corps in fairly short order of a couple million right there -- and the actual numbers would probably be substantially higher.

(1) How do you set up a blockade around a planet in space... in a single circle... and why do ships flying off the planet fly directly into it instead of just going over it?

(2) ATATs only seem to have guns on the "head"... Why do the rebel pilots keep flying straight at the ATAT?

(3) Why did R2 not use his rocket legs in the 3 original movies?

(4) How can Luke use the force to flip switches and move stuff around, but has to throw a rock at a button to drop the door on the Rancor?
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