Limited Run Star Wars Ep VII Force Awakens TIE Pilot Helmets, Chest Boxes, and Armor

Looks great! Is the helmet going to be in one piece?

It'll be 8 pieces. The main body, the HUD/Visor/Lid/Thingy, the eye lens, the two teardrop latch details, the two aerators, and the little knob that sticks out of the right side.

Can you pm price on the armor please .

PM sent.

thorssoli, deposit sent!

Deposit received.

I imagine your guys' workshop pumping out casts and stacking them up like the OT production pictures. imo shawns tie helmets are the closest to screen accurate, which is why im excited for this

Progress is happening:

I had an issue with the mold, so the casts have a few warts on the chin. I'll be sanding them smooth before any of them ship, so it won't be an issue. I'm also making a 2nd generation mold so I won't have to deal with it.

In other news, here's the first casting with the lenses installed:

From that angle it makes the chin look huge. Weird.

In other news, I've been stacking up the cold cast aluminum aerators. They look pretty good after a bit of buffing:

So yes, the kit will include cold cast aluminum aerators as well as the formed, tinted bubble lenses.

As always, post here if you'd like a kit and I'll PM you with payment info.

Thanks for looking!
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HUD/Visor/Lid/Thingy mold is nearly complete:

I'll be out of the shop for a couple of days, but I should be casting copies of this piece by Monday.

Post here if you'd like to get one of these kits and I'll PM you with payment info.
nice, what paint are you using? I usually use rustoleum professional enamel but I might switch since the bottom layers take days to cure while the top coat is already dry, its misleading
nice, what paint are you using?

That's Dupli-Color universal black with their clearcoat. It didn't come out quite as shiny as I'd hoped:

But I still couldn't resist the urge to take a selfie:

I also trimmed up one of the smaller chest armor sets and strapped them onto a kid who's 5'0" tall, just to see how it would look:

Not too bad.

If anyone else would like to get in on this run, please post here and I'll PM you with details.
Hi there, Any idea on when the helmet kits will be shipped out?

I wasn't happy with the teardrop bracket details for the helmet, so I scrapped them and drew up some new prototypes. Now that the 3D printer is done growing them, I'll be molding them tomorrow and have castings on Saturday. Once I'm satisfied that the parts are coming out good enough, I'll start invoicing folks on the list for just the helmets.

In other news, the molds for the gauntlets are well under way:

So I'll be able to cast those in a few days as well.

If anyone else wants to get in on this run, please post here and I'll PM you with details.
Teardrop bracket parts are printed, molded, and cast. Here's a terrible photo of one of the prototypes in place on the helmet I'm painting:

And here are the sprues before I sanded them smooth and molded them:

I was expecting a high failure rate, so I set the mold up to cast 8 pairs at a time. It turned out that all of the castings came out just fine though.

In other news, I finished the gauntlet mother molds yesterday, so I'll start rotocasting those today:

So if you're on the list for the helmet alone, I'll start sending out payment requests for those final payments plus shipping in a couple of days.

If you're on the list for the complete kit with everything, I should be ready to start shipping kits later this week.

As always, if anyone else wants to get in on this run, please post here and I'll PM you with the details.

Thanks for looking.
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