Star Trek Klingon Bird of Prey kits

Raven Morpheus

New Member
Hey all

Just a quick search for help...

I have, among many other kits in progress, a 1/350th AMT Klingon Bird of Prey. Thing is it's a bit big (something like 14" long by the same or bigger wide), and I don't have the gigantic 1/350th Enterprise to go with it (nor will I ever have), and as such the BoP is a bit too much for me, it's reached a dead end where enthusiasm is concerned due to all the panel painting and the general poor details (the windows on mine were badly moulded and I think I've made it worse by masking them with Vallejo liquid mask which I know will be hard to remove (having been on there some 12+ months)!

I do however have the fantastic Polar Lights/Round2 1/1000th Enterprise kit, which I also plan to light up and have a LED/FO kit ready to put into it.

So, I'm wondering, and I think it's a long shot, but is there a widely available Klingon BoP kit that is about 4-6" in length? I know there's a "cadet series" kit out there by Round2 which is something like 1/1400 and only 3.25" long but I'm wondering if there's any others because I think that one would be too small to hang from my ceiling (and/or light up).

Alternatively how difficult would it be to modify the 1/1000 Klingon D7 Cruiser to look like the K'Tinga class cruiser from Star Trek VI - what sort of details would need to be added?

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