Star Lord w/ lights and sound - 3d Print Files - Infinity Orb Base in Progress

Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Amazing job on the walkman! i really wish I could print one out and wire it up.
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

All i gotta say is WOW on everything!!!! From the ORB with the Infinity Stone to the unbelievable WALKMAN!!! BRAVO!!!!
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Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

So last night a stab was made at starting the belt. I have never worked with leather before, so I'm not entirely confident in what I'm doing, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try! The belt was roughly patterned out of canvas so there was some idea of what might fit around my waist. Then we transferred the lines to the back of the leather with the help of my lovely assistant, who has a steadier hand than I do.

Then we started cutting it out!

And finally, I hit the pieces with some brown leather dye. This revealed a couple flawed areas in the leather where the brand was and also caused the leather to curl up and wrinkle a little bit, but I think it'll be okay.

The real awful challenge here is going to be trying to sew this stuff together, but first I need to apply a finish to the leather, smooth down the edges a bit, and see if I can't figure out how to flatten the leather back down where the edges are curling. If anyone's got some advice on how to do any of that, I'm all ears!
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Dye tends to dry the leather out a bit, but if you just work the leather with your hands (rolling it onto itself, etc) it should soften back up
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Great work!! I can't wait to see it all together.
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

I've had a lot of mixed developments in the last few days that are going to complicate things for NYCC pretty substantially. The first is that I've injured my back - I'm walking with a cane at present, and probably going to need to get MRIs done because I'm in a lot of pain in my lower back and hip when I'm on my feet. This obviously slows me down a lot with how I'm working. Ontop of that, my 3d printer's extruder motor seems to have died on me, so I'm working on getting a replacement... but that's going to probably be, at best, by the end of next week.

In light of the above, I'm not sure I'm even still going to be going to NYCC this year. It breaks my heart, because I've been looking forward to this stupid event for months, but if I can't walk I'm not going to be enjoying myself. I guess I could forego the costume and try gettin' around the place in a wheelchair, but that's... less than ideal for me.

But, let's try and look at some of the positive developments from today. The first is that if I don't end up going to NYCC, I can at least try selling the tickets to recoup some of my cost. I only had Friday tickets anyway. Furthermore, it means I have more than just the next two weeks to actually complete the costume, which means I can take my time with some of the details. I have tickets for the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle next March, so I guess I could always aspire to wear it there instead... who knows.

Better news is that prior to my printer's extruder motor failing, I did manage to get it to produce the chin piece, and got most of the helmet together.

It's a much better fit than the original. Thanks to the changes I made to the back of the helmet, I'm able to slip in on and off over my head as a single piece without much difficulty.

Here's a comparison between the revised helmet and Helagak's original. It's kind of hard to spot the differences in photos, especially since I haven't primed my version yet, but I promise you it's substantial.

You can see how much more curved Helagak's faceplate was on the right side here:

I will confess some of my changes made the parts print a little thin in some places, but I've used a bit of JB Weld on the inside surfaces where that was a problem to thicken it up and reinforce those parts of the helmet. JB Weld has also been applied to a lot of the seams inside the helmet to give me a decent, strong attachment between parts.

So yeah, that's where we're at for the moment. I might be going a little slow for the next few days - I'm on pain meds right now that basically knock me right out - but I will try to keep at it as I'm able.
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Hope you're on your feet again quick man! Maybe it's just your sciatica and a few chiropractor visits will straighten you up.
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

It absolutely is my sciatic nerve - I had a lumbar laminectomy on two discs a couple years ago when they herniated and compressed that nerve. It got me up and walking again, but from the feel of things, I may have reinjured my back in a similar way.
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Hey ein! I messaged you about a scaling question for the booster barrels
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Sorry to hear about that ein hope you get back on your feet asap. Sending out good starlord vibes your way
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Hey ein! I messaged you about a scaling question for the booster barrels

Gotcha covered, buddy, and in the event anyone else has the same question you did - if you guys find that when you open the .stl files, the parts are absurdly small (like, a few millimeters by a few millimeters), it's probably because your units setup and the units setup of the filetype don't match. Easiest way to fix this is to convert the measurements by adjusting the scale from 1 to 25.4. I use Simplify3d for my slicing, which does this automatically, but some of you are no doubt on different software.

Final object size dimensions show as X: 30.024mm, Y: 53.950mm, Z:93.5mm.

BOTTOM BARREL (with cap included in measurements)
Final object size dimensions show as X: 28.5mm, Y: 80.62mm, Z: 76.5mm.
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

take a holiday......a couple days at least.....
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

I hope you feel better soon! I pinched my sciatic nerve a few years ago but my physiotherapist kept insisting it was a muscle issue and I went to treatment for months without relief (and it was getting worse). Finally I went to see a chiropractor who told me that my pelvis was fractionally out of alignment and was putting pressure on the nerve. I think it only took two appointments before I was walking without a limp again. It sounds like your situation is trickier than mine, but hopefully you can get some relief soon! :(
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Those extensions on the gun are so awesome, thanks again for making them available. Could you take a picture of the front (barrels pointed at camera)?
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Those extensions on the gun are so awesome, thanks again for making them available. Could you take a picture of the front (barrels pointed at camera)?

I will later on today!

The helmet is officially done printing. It took three tries but I finally got it fitting me like a glove at this point.

I have less than two weeks until NYCC rolls around. It was initially my desire to make a mold of the helmet in silicone, pop out a solid resin copy, and finish and paint that for wearing to the con. Since I only have twelve days, I'm not sure if I'm still going to do that, or if I should just finish and wear the 3d printed version instead. Any thoughts? PLA plastic like this thing is printed in is a little brittle, but I know it'd take me 4-5 days easy just to make a mold of this thing properly and try to get to the first-casting stages and I still have to finish up both of my guns!... and boot rockets!... and belt!... and boots!... and obviously there's some stuff I'm not going to get done in time. :\
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

The helmet looks awesome. The wig in the top without it being on your head looks creepy, haha.
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Star Lord needed some dental work done, and by that, I of course mean braces. :V

There was a gap between the cheek panels and the front of the mask - probably due to me being a little inaccurate with assembling things. I needed to close that gap up and fill the space in, so I put a strip of styrene plastic there to help close things up and tried gluing the gap shut. I very quickly discovered that the PLA is just flexible enough to not play along with that whole routine, so I went for the nuclear option and drilled a bolt through either piece, and then wired them together. I applied JB Weld on the back of the seam and let it dry for about 12 hours, and now I'm pretty sure the mask is one solid piece, with the gap mostly filled in. The bolt holes are in two relatively simple places to patch, so when I take them out tomorrow I'll just epoxy them closed and sand the holes flat again - you'll never even know they were there.

I hope.

I actually doubt I'll have the helmet done in time for NYCC, which is a huge bummer, but I just don't have the ability to work at my usual speed with my back all bodged up.

I also started wiring the blaster components into the blaster proper - or at least the one blaster I have taken further than the other. It's a huge mess at the moment.

Don't worry, I know what I'm doing! I hope. It will be a bit tricky routing all that wiring around the opening mechanisms, but I'm sure I can do it. So far I've got the battery receptacle finalized and I just installed a pair of 3.3v and 5v dc-to-dc converters right by the battery to regulate the 9v down to 5v and 3.3v respectively for the various components that will need it.

Hot glue is both a blessing and a curse with this kind of work. It holds components steady, it insulates wires from shorting, but it also makes a giant bloody mess inside the body of the gun. Still, I think I'd rather not be without it!
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Keep the updates coming. Love the Helmet. Cannot wait to see what you plan to do for the LED RED eyes. FYI I bought an LED strip with mini RGB controller and remote on ebay for cheap. I broke down and bought a PVC helmet. Will wait for delivery in mid to late Oct.
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Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Hello .
beautiful work
With these your files I can make a helmet just like yours?
DOWNLOAD: .RAR (Contains all .stl files)

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