Star Lord w/ lights and sound - 3d Print Files - Infinity Orb Base in Progress

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Star Lord with lights and sound.

Wow! I love all the detail you've put into this. Very impressive! Wish I would have run across this weeks ago. I would have been bartering my tailor skills for glowy things!
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Star Lord with lights and sound.

Maybe next time, Mule - would have loved to trade, too. I actually put a wanted thread up about the pants, but nobody responded, so I resorted to the professional tailor instead. Man knows his stuff, though, so I'm sure they'll end up great.

The Walkman is pretty much ready to be painted and closed up, but I didn't have weather in my favor today, so I ended up poking at it and adding a couple more features. I wired the FFW and REW buttons into Next Track and Previous Track, respectively, and the play button now... well, plays and pauses the tracks. The entire device can be toggled on and off via pushbutton on top of the device, disguised under the "Hot Mic" orange button that sticks out of the top. There's now a stereo jack to plug a pair of headphones into, and I replaced the second hole that would normally be a second headphone jack on the device with a red LED indicator.

But, for this next part - never let it be said that I know when to quit.

I was thinking about how best to get the branding on the front of the Walkman - the "SONY", "WALKMAN", and arrow designs. And I got to thinking... why not 3d print them?

I hauled the logos into Illustrator, vectorized them and turned them into splines that 3d Studio Max could use, extruded some shapes out of them, and before I knew it, I had some models done! I loaded them into my slicing software - Simplify3d - and had the program put together paths that the printer could follow to recreate the logos.

The observant among you will notice the logos are backwards - this is on purpose. My print bed is a slab of heated glass, and the surfaces that are face-down on the plate tend to print mirror-smooth, whereas the printer will create visible lines on the top surfaces of the thing you're producing. The other huge benefit to 3d printing on a glass surface is that when you're done with the print, you put the whole glass plate, print and all, into a fridge or freezer. The materials (plastic and glass) contract at different rates as they cool, which basically makes the prints fall off the plate.

Here's my printed letters! I'm holding them up on the glass plate. I popped them off, and just laid them out roughly...

... and then decided to get a bit more intelligent about how I was gluing these things down. I poured out some superglue, used a piece of scrap plastic to scrape it into a thin sheet, then grabbed a pair of tweezers and carefully dipped the letters into the glue. Then, I moved the letters into position, using the blue tape as a baseline for the letters, and pressed them down hard once they were lined up in the right place.

And when it's all said and done...

Yeah, okay, it's not 100% perfect. But if anyone leans in that close to this thing on my belt to critique my kerning, they're going to get a knee to the jaw. :D I primed it with some high fill primer to help close any gaps up, and now I'm leaving it to sit overnight.

Hopefully by tomorrow the weather will be more cooperative and I will have the chance to spray my metallic blue!

While I was fiddling around with stuff in the shed today, my lovely lady got workin' on her Groot costume. She's going as sexy Groot, or at least that's what I've decided to call it! She took one of her fashion corsets and started gluing all manner of fabric on it to try and produce a wooded / bark texture...

... I think I know why my pillow has been missing.

After she got that tidied up, she grabbed a slab of EVA foam and started carving out a proper Groot Mask!

She has ordered some leggings with a tree bark pattern, so we'll see how that turns out.

Lastly, I've got room for some audience participation here. When I first started working on the top barrels of the blasters, I carved out the oval 'vent' shape on one side...

... but I realized I couldn't carve the one on the other side out without interfering with the latching mechanism - i.e. how the gun opens and closes.

There's a latch right on the opposite side that attaches precisely where I would otherwise need to carve the oval out.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to fill the oval I carved out back in with body filler (Bondo) and sand it smooth. The only real thing I'm not sure about is whether I should try putting new oval vent holes in somewhere farther forward or back on the gun, or if I should just leave the covers as a smooth solid piece. What do you guys think?
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Star Lord with lights and sound.

Love the idea of 3D printing the letters - they look awesome! And that corset is looking really good. I can't wait to see that costume finished!

For the gun, I'd say flip a coin to decide - heads you leave them smooth, tails you find a new spot for the holes. If you're disappointed with what the coin tells you to do, it means you should do the other. ;) I really do think that either solution would work (no holes, moving the holes), but it's not my opinion that matters - you're the one who has to be happy with the end product!
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Star Lord with lights and sound.

I'm sure they will be great... Sadly I don't go into the JY unless I'm looking for something specific, so I wouldn't have seen that thread anyway...

Don't know if you've seen this yet or if it does you any good, but I put it up to offer a little guidance with people looking to make their own boot covers.
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Star Lord with lights and sound.

Walkman's done. Think I might do the belt a little later on, and I'm working on the gun barrels pretty much continually throughout this whole process.



I'll post redone versions of the barrel extensions tonight, I've made a few improvements.
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Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Star Lord with lights and sound.

The OP has been updated with download links for the revisions I've made to the helmet, the barrel extensions, and my belt rings. I will be adding these parts to Shapeways tomorrow so that those of you without 3d printers can order them - the extensions and belt rings should be pretty cheap to source from there.
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Thanks for posting those barrel extensions! I'm about to print the upper barrel off but noticed that the link to the lower barrel extension is broken. Thanks!
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Star Lord with lights and sound.

The OP has been updated with download links for the revisions I've made to the helmet, the barrel extensions, and my belt rings. I will be adding these parts to Shapeways tomorrow so that those of you without 3d printers can order them - the extensions and belt rings should be pretty cheap to source from there.

Wow Ein. Thanks for sharing this. I was just starting to modify the mask in Solidworks tonight to adjust the face and eye placement. I will definitely give your mods a try.
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Amazing Job I am floored by your dedication to this cosplay bravo!!
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Great work on the helmet adjustments!
I'm going to try heating my printed parts with a heat gun to see if I can save them, otherwise I'll have to reprint your version :D
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Star Lord with lights and sound.

The OP has been updated with download links for the revisions I've made to the helmet, the barrel extensions, and my belt rings. I will be adding these parts to Shapeways tomorrow so that those of you without 3d printers can order them - the extensions and belt rings should be pretty cheap to source from there.

Thank you for putting these on Shapeway!

The walkman is amazing. With the color no one will notice the "N" ;)

For those that know, what is the difference between an STL and an OBJ?.... and is there a good freeware to use and learn about 3d modelling?
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Star Lord with lights and sound.

The OP has been updated with download links for the revisions I've made to the helmet, the barrel extensions, and my belt rings. I will be adding these parts to Shapeways tomorrow so that those of you without 3d printers can order them - the extensions and belt rings should be pretty cheap to source from there.

fixed links for the bottom barrel piece STLs:

(and thank you for posting this stuff!)
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Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

As soon as I realized you released these files my jaw made contact with the floor.:eek My sincere thanks.
Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

Thanks for posting those barrel extensions! I'm about to print the upper barrel off but noticed that the link to the lower barrel extension is broken. Thanks!

Woops! Sorry, that's what I get for posting that up right before I go to sleep. Links for the bottom barrel extension in the OP have been fixed. Sorry!

Edit: Shapeways links have been added. I wish I could get the price on these things lower, but Shapeways charges its' pound of flesh. :\ I tried to make a lot of material options available as cheaply as possible so you guys could pick and choose. After NYCC, I will probably be printing a couple dozen spare barrels on my own printer in PLA that I will make available in a limited run at maybe 2/3rds the cost of the Shapeways prints with shipping factored in, but I wanted to make the option available for you guys now because I had been getting some PMs requesting it.
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Re: Star Lord w/ lights and sound - Orb & Walkman complete, downloads section added

yes! thank you for the blaster parts! mine have been collecting dust trying to figure out how to do those extentions!

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