Star Destroyer proportions.


Sr Member
I was wondering, are the basic proportions of the Star Destroyer models (Devastator and Avenger specifically) the same. Namely the angles for the wedge of the hull. I'm finding a real lack of orthographic shots of the Devastator, but there seems to be more converage for the Avenger. Did the angles stay the same or did they change things up?

I kind of figured that. That would be too easy. :lol

Looks like I'm off to the Museum again. Lucky for me the Devastator is in town.
hmmm... :unsure Oh well, that doesn't bother me too much. Mine is going to be somewhat of a cross between the two anyway. Basically what I plan to do is make a 4 foot body, use the devastator parts I have as a detail base, and stick more detail on. I am going to also use the L'Eggs, and the cabinet knobs. Like a Frankenstein ISD.
Cool, try to get the true measurement of it since noone knows exactly how long it is ! :lol

Do you know of a good way to do that? I'm thinking I may bring a tape measure and run it parallel to the model along the glass. It won't be perfect, but who knows. This time I'm bringing a friend to hold the flash, tape measure etc. :lol
I think the guys who made costume props use a ruler with 3 lasers fixed on it to measure perfectly the costumes. And I saw some guys doing the same for some of the Star Wars models. Maybe ask in the prop or costuming section to have more details ?
The small Imperial Cruiser miniature from ANH is wider relative to the length. (BTW, I'm pretty sure the term "Star Destroyer" was not coined until ESB.) The shape of the "neck" on top is also completely different. It "leans" forward at a different angle than the ESB version. That's because there's more distance from the bridge to the aft "tip" of the arrowhead hull on the ANH model compared to the ESB version.

The two models are really quite different -- both in shape and in appearance. Making a "hybrid" version of the two can be quite problematic as your finished model won't really look like either one. The differences really are that apparent.

Hope that helps! :)
The small Imperial Cruiser miniature from ANH is wider relative to the length. (BTW, I'm pretty sure the term "Star Destroyer" was not coined until ESB.) The shape of the "neck" on top is also completely different. It "leans" forward at a different angle than the ESB version. That's because there's more distance from the bridge to the aft "tip" of the arrowhead hull on the ANH model compared to the ESB version.

The two models are really quite different -- both in shape and in appearance. Making a "hybrid" version of the two can be quite problematic as your finished model won't really look like either one. The differences really are that apparent.

Hope that helps! :)

I don't know any of the measurements for either one, so I am not going to hybridize the overall shape. I am just going to get as close as I can, probably to the ANH one because those are the parts I have. As long as it looks like an SD I will be happy. I want to detail it more finely than the ANH is, and fill in all those darned blank spots. Like I said, I will make drawings and mockups first (I have already) and get something that looks OK. I am not going for dead-on accurate to either one.
I don't know any of the measurements for either one, so I am not going to hybridize the overall shape. I am just going to get as close as I can, probably to the ANH one because those are the parts I have. As long as it looks like an SD I will be happy. I want to detail it more finely than the ANH is, and fill in all those darned blank spots. Like I said, I will make drawings and mockups first (I have already) and get something that looks OK. I am not going for dead-on accurate to either one.

I know you have already a lot of kits to build the ANH but if you want details, dont try to replicate with adding new ones. I would say go with a scaled Avenger because the details of the ANH is really poor, and if you start to detail it the result would be very weird because of the large parts used to detail the original and your new finest parts...
I know you have already a lot of kits to build the ANH but if you want details, dont try to replicate with adding new ones. I would say go with a scaled Avenger because the details of the ANH is really poor, and if you start to detail it the result would be very weird because of the large parts used to detail the original and your new finest parts...

Hmmm... That's something to think about. I just really didn't want to hunt down and buy the rest of the devastator kits... Great point though, thanks.
I was thinking about using the three laser technique. I might still.

I personally really like the more stripped down look of the Devastator. The Avenger looks great on screen, and the 8-foot model is really nice, but I find most of the scaled replicas to look way too busy. There is almost too much detail. I was really impressed with the Devastator when I first saw it in person. Since I won't be getting every single kit, I will be idealizing quite a but of the detail, but I'm going to try to keep it mostly ANH like.
Well, I picked up a few laser pointers this morning and threw this together. It sure isn't pretty, but it gets the job done:


It was a lot harder than I thought because each pointer was way off from being straight. I got them aligned pretty well though. I wouldn't put too much stock in it's accuracy, but it isn't too bad, even at 2.5ft. The model isn't that far away either.


Oh, and that is with a flash.
Well, I picked up a few laser pointers this morning and threw this together. It sure isn't pretty, but it gets the job done:


It was a lot harder than I thought because each pointer was way off from being straight. I got them aligned pretty well though. I wouldn't put too much stock in it's accuracy, but it isn't too bad, even at 2.5ft. The model isn't that far away either.


Oh, and that is with a flash.

Jeff, just curious if these shots still exist... What a good idea!

It ended up not working well. They were ok at certain distances, but the farther away the greater the error.

I'm not sure if I still have the photos I had posted, but I still have the setup I made. I can take new pictures if you think you could make a better design.