SLAVE I color search


Sr Member
Ok since the SS Slave I is being made a color chart would be very helpful for people getting the kit, has anyone started researching the colors used, are the colors listed in the FineMolds Slave I instructions accurate?

When I first did my MPC kit the color I still find that match pretty close today is Model Masters Camouflage grey for the wings and some uncarriage areas, Humbrol rust #113 for the skirt and just added white to get the pinkinsh chipped color, I used Tamiya Med grey for all the dark grey panel details.

BTW there was a member here that had done a awesome paintjob on a FineMolds kit which he was selling on ebay, had lights and moveable guns, maybe he could help as the colors seemed pretty close, aside for the too reddish skirt color used.

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GF, i do have some of the colors used i think, all seem to be from the Floquil range, ill try get to them and post what i have, i think boxcar red was one, but ill let you know what else i have that may be close.

GF, i do have some of the colors used i think, all seem to be from the Floquil range, ill try get to them and post what i have, i think boxcar red was one, but ill let you know what else i have that may be close.



That would be great!!!


OK i had less than i thought lol, i did put an order in on Floquil buts its hard to get here in the UK what with the shipping of paints etc through the US and Canada to the UK.
All i have at the moment are Boxcar Red, and Brunswick Green, there are then i believe two other greens used, one is not Floquil though, its a Olive Grun i think from another brand.
I think input from some of the amazing Boba painters out there may be needed?

Thanks Lee,

I can get Floquil paints here at my local hobby shop. I will go check it out.

This is my build with the Tamiya equivalents direct from the FineMolds instructions colour chart.


Either my darker shades of green was poorly mixed or off, or the colour chart is wrong. They mottled top colour looks a bit too 'intense' to me. I'm going to have to go over it all with a lighter colour and hope for the best...

I have to say that referring to the names of the 'original' colours is often a road to frustration. Paints do change colour after many years, and lighting during filming is quite different to lighting from flash and other sources of light during photography. Worse still, manufacturers will not be producing the same paint, even if it has the same name, after 20 years or so.

Anyway, I hope someone sheds light on this!
I'd base coat it in Testors Model master IJA grey cut 50/50 with white. Spatter on some windsor newton liquid mask the shoot it with the IJA grey strait from the bottle, It's what worked for my FM kit.