Is the Writing on the bottle handpainted or a decal?
okay, first of all i used this shampoo bottle as the base . i used this because 1- it would save a bit of time and 2- it was almost the exact right dimensions. I then put a small amount of easy flo 60 resin inside of it and sloshed it around to strengthen it because it was pretty weak. Then i used chavant nsp medium oil clay to sculpt on top of the bottle. I would usually use monster clay because i prefer it but i had a block of chavant handy. the head was also sculpted out of chavant. then i made a 2 part silicone mould of the bottle and the head, they both had a fibre glass mother jacket (or support jacket). i cast both parts out of easy flo 60. the arms and collar bone sections were made from milliput, with a wire skeleton. Then i just put it all together and painted it with acrylics. I hope this is helpful.I'm new to sculpting/model making, this is fantastic I'd really like to give this a go myself, if I had the money this would be first on my much as I'd love it not working at the mo so no way can afford it. Can I ask for some advise on how to make it, what clay, what bottle assured theres no way it will compete with yours,I'll understand if you don't want to..great piece though..thank you. much involved...I was hoping just to find a suitable bottle and apply suitable clay to form skeleton and skull and paint..would this not work as a low level entry I have to cover the whole original bottle with clay completely first.