Scratch built Terminator T-800 Endoskeleton

Thanks Beaker, I contacted them and they'll ship to sweden! ;)

I'm currently reworking the eye sockets, and also adjusting the brows above the eyes.
His right (our left) brow is raised a bit more.
So I need your help, which side looks better? Left or right?
Thanks, GroundBeef! Do you mean our left or his left? :D

Dericrw, yeah I know, so would you go for the more aggressive look?
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His right, our left is best. No need to go for the angry look, that always cheapens the character, in my opinion. I probably even drew in the surrounding groove too straight compared to the original look, but again, this is your project, so it should be whatever you feel is right.


Compared to the Beagle Bill skull I owned:
Thanks for the input guys!
The more I think about it, I am also leaning towards his right (out left).
And yeah, TMG, the groves above the eye is a bit far down atm. I'll adjust that once the eye sockets are finished! :)
I really love this. I noticed a figure that you appear to be using for reference. This just seems to have a lot of complicated stuff going on. Did you find that the figure checks out well against photos from the movie? I'm really anxious for an update.
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