scifi shows that died young

Not sure if its been mentioned but have to add an extra one

Threshold, only lasted one season but I have to say I liked it and was really hoping to get more seasons of it
Same here it was a guilty pleasure as it was not well liked at the time.

:lol Nothing like seeing the Kurgan decked out in a 90's westcoast perm! :lol

I really liked Spielberg's Earth 2. Terra Nova looks like it's heading down the same road, though.
Firefly, Angel, and Farscape, and Heroes, all might be at the top of my list.

I LOVED the first season of Heroes, but the seasons after that, were all over the place, with a few good episodes and a TON of bad ones. We all keep wishing people like George Lucas would listen to the fans more, but I think the folks making Heroes listened too much. When they would start down one path, they would see the fans weren't that into that story, and instead of fallowing it through, they would abruptly go down another one, until they saw that wasn't working with the fans, and then would go down another, and another, and another. :(

Farscape was a really good show too,and it ended season 3 PERFECTLY. That would have been a good stopping point, however, we all wanted more. So, they gave us season 4, with the promise of season 5. Season 4 was good, at times, not so good at others, but over all I liked it. (not as well as other season, but I liked it.) Then they leave us on a cliff hanger, and with the word of cancellation. :( Then we get the mini-series, that again, I like, but didn't love. And it rapped everything up. Not in a great way, but it did wrap it all up.

Angel season one was Ok, season 2 was better, season 3 was back to ok, season 4 was awful, and season five was by far the very best. Better acting, better story, better, writing over all, better sets, better guests. etc. etc. etc. And then they canceled it, :( I understand ending on a high note, but come on, I WANT MORE, but then again, in classic Joss style, he killed the only folks I really cared about, so would I really care if it did come back, in an y form? Well, I here Wes did come back in the comics, and it is the world of Joss, so anything could happen, and anyone could come back, but......

Firefly. I saved my favorite show OF ALL TIME for last. I LOVE THAT SHOW. How know you could contain perfection in 14 episodes. YES I want more, YES. it should have been one for years, and years, and years. YES I HATE Fox for killing it before it really had a chance. We did get the movie...... Yeah, the movie.... Um Serenity..... Um. Well, I'll say this, I HATED IT when I saw it in theaters. (but I Hated the show when it was on TV the first time too.) Then I fell truly, madly, deeply, in love with the show on DVD, and gave the movie another chance, and ....well...... I l.ike it better now, and I'll take any chance I can get to see the crew back together, and it did have it's moments.... but...... Yeah. I was watching it the other day (for the upteenth time, so I couldn't hate it, right. :) ) and again I have to refer to Lucas, Lucas had ideas for the original films, and characters, that were great, and others, many, many others, that were very, very, bad, but other folks working on those films, that killed many of the worst ideas. (especially when it came to Jedi, and Empire, oh god Lucas's original scripts were AWFUL, but thanks to the hard work of other folks, they are my favorites) Well, Fox, as evil as they are, kept Joss from making the show, and the characters, quite what he wanted them to be, and that collaboration made TV gold. However, with the Movie, Joss has said many times, that he mad the characters the way he wanted them from the start, and many of them, just weren't nearly the same. Mal, lost a lot of his morality, good ness, kindness, and likabletly. (he tells Simon in the show, "If I ever shoot you, You will be facing me, and you'll be armed." In the movie, when the operative says he is unarmed, Mal shots him in cold blood, without pause, or hesitation.) Kaylee just comes off as being a bigger how then Inara. (I mean, other then mooning for Simon's, "loven", she had no purpose in the movie. She had a real purpose, and skill/knowledge in the show.) Jayne was.... well Ok jayne was kind of still jayne. :) Inara was largely usless. (though that's not much different then the show.) Book was great, and much the same as the show, but they killed him. Wash was much the same as the show, but they killed him too, Zoe was..... Well she was kind of still Zoe. It just didn't have the same hart, and spirit as the show. However, unfortunately, if did wrap things up, and left us, with almost nowhere to go next. Plus again, not only did they kill the hart, and morality of some of the main Characters, but they also killed two of the characters that brought hart, and morality to the show/movie. The show made us root for criminals, in the movie they acted more like real criminals, so even if it did come back, as a show, or another movie, what would it be?

Well, that's my rant, about my favorite shows, that may have died before thier time. :)
A small list of scifi shows that didnt last long in no special order, feel free to add to the list.

1 Space above and beyond
2 Defying gravity
3 Caprica
4 Dresdon (sp) files
5 Special unit 2
6 Surface
7 Firefly
8 Sarah conner cronicles
9 Enterprise
I agree with # 1 and 2, and in that order. The others, I could never get into. I’m a huge BSG fan but never liked Caprica at all. I though it being cancelled was a good thing as it may have opened the door for “Blood and Chrome”.
But like others have written, I feel that Enterprise went through the full arc and wrapped itself up nicely. I was really ticked with how Tripp bought it (especially as he was a character who was raised very close to where I grew up), though. It could have gone on for another season or two easily, but it didn’t get killed before it’s time.
I didn’t see Defying Gravity at all when it was on TV, so I guess you could say I contributed to its cancellation, but I have watched the series on DVD twice now. Man how I wish it’d kept going. I’m a huge S:AaB fan as well!
How about the series, “Spaced”? It was about sci-fi a lot, and I think could have gone for a much longer run.
I think, in a sense, Babylon 5 died young. J. Michael Straczynsk didn't think the series would be given a fifth year, so he wrote the story arc to conclude satisfactorily within 4 years. When it was allowed a 5th year, the series just coasted along but failed to benefit from 4 years of dramatic buildup.
The Starlost


I think it was a mercy that a lot of those shows died young.
Shows like UFO and Space 1999, by the end of their runs it was very obvious things just fizzled out.
At least STTOS did (in a way) get a 4th season(the animated series). But sadly most people discount it.

There were some shows I wish died young. Like ST Voyager, Stargate, X-files, Enterprise.

These shows are like candy, in moderation it's great. But to much of it can get you sick(and tired of the show).
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