scifi shows that died young

I really enjoyed the first five or six episodes of Kings; reminded me of Wild Palms in its scope and ambition. I wish I could tell you I enjoyed the rest of them, but the network moved it around so much even my TiVo couldn't find it.
You realize the X-Files had 9 seasons and over 200 episodes right? Not exactly what I would call dying young.

True, but for me it died too soon. The writing got progressively worse, and despite this fact could have still been salvaged, or rebooted. In all honesty I found it very hard to watch after Mulder left, and quit watching not long after T-2 guy showed up.
including some shows that latest 4 plus seasons seems to include shows that were not short lived and died young.

My list

surface, threshold, invasion all came out about the same time

odyssey 5

Dark skies

Space above and beyond

war of the worlds

stargate universe if cancellation stays

Original battlestar, galactica 1980 was terible except the last episode which was very good.

Other world

Planet of the apes

logans run

exosquad animated

sarah connor chronicles

jermiah was pretty good but it did run two seasons. jericho was not really scifi but really need more. alien nation i did not put on here because they had 5 made for tv movies.
Does anyone remember Salvage one? I loved that show, and Andy Griffith.

I remember that show when it was on the air! I was a kid so to me it was awesome (I still remember the robot episode).

That is considered sci fi, right?

This is actually a good question. It was set in the present, and while it involved space travel, it wasn't anything beyond what the current capability of space travel was at the time.

Personally I would consider it more "adventure" than sci-fi, but there is no reason for it not to be here. :thumbsup

galactica 1980 was terible except the last episode which was very good.

I'm glad you mentioned this. That was the return of Starbuck episode. I remember it being very good (well as far as original BSG goes).

It's funny DST posted the pic of the flying motorcycles... I have to say that when I was ten years old, the flying bikes were the coolest thing ever! :lol

However even back then I felt the "replacements" for Apollo and Starbuck paled in comparison.


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I think its my fault these all get cancelled, basically any series i like gets canned, so as a favour to everyone else i no longer "like" any series from now on :)
Yanno... there should no longer be a Neilson rating system anymore. With the advance of electronics in the past 30 years, they should be able to poll any DVR on the planet and get an actual accurate rating of what's being watched and what's being recorded at any given time of the day. Why should only 10,000 households thru out the entire country be the deciding factor in what the rest of us watch on TV? That's how all the good shows get cancelled... not because they aren't good... but because there are too many Neilson boxes watching 90210 or One Tree Hill... I mean COMON!!
I was kind of partial to Kindred: The Embraced, and Wolf Lake. Both of those were way too short. Oh, and I loved The Invisible Man. I was in middle school when that came out and it was the first thing I was allowed to stay up late to watch. I never missed an episode. Soooo bummed when it went off the air.

And not sure if it's sci fi or what, but My Own Worst Enemy is the most recent one for me. I watched that religiously too, and it was cancelled in only 8 eps. I almost broke my TV throwing things around at how they ended it, too. GRRRRRR!!!!
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