scifi shows that died young

Tron. The TV show. Deservedly.

Blade. The TV show. Deservedly.

The Lexx. First two seasons were well done. Low buck in a Doctor Who way, with a hot babe. Third one was an entire season around one planet. Forth was DOA.
Man I used to watch that show with my ex religiously, but for some reason it didn't "quite" click with me. I don't even remember how it ended.

Yeah, it really wasn't my kind of thing, either, but my wife loved it so I found things to like in it, and then I missed it when it was gone. Clancy Brown as a dad was great, and I liked the doctor's arm-worn tricorder thingie. If I could strap my iPhone to my arm like that, I'd probably never take it off. And who wouldn't like Tim Curry playing Dr. Smith from Lost in Space?
I think it was that odd tron ripoff tv show that was on in the 80s where the digital guy came to the real world. He even had a Byte with him but i think he called it cursor or something like that. There were a bunch from the 80s i vaguely remember liking. There was one where a family somehow went to an alternate universe where the Illuminati or something ran everything and there were black obelisks all over. Another was a sword and sorcery style thing where a bad guy kidnapped the girl via a mirror and the guy had to find her or something (I was like 5 or so which is why some of these may not be fully accurate).
Fantastic Journey
Logan's Run

(I'm not saying they were great, but they did die young. And I'll watch Roddy McDowell in anything.)
That was it. That was Desi Jr? o.o I thought that show was cool at the time. What the hell was I thinking lol.
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