scifi shows that died young

Probe. Just been watching it this week. Total 80's cheese, but never really had a chance to find an audience.

I liked Probe (yes I was one of the five people who watched it).

Some older shows that didn't make it very far.
Logan's Run
Planet of the Apes
The Fantastic Journey
I realize The Tick wasn't very ALL! But I feel it had SO much potential, it was just never properly developed.
Though not sci-fi, I will never forgive them for canceling Clerks, the animated cartoon. It was awesome!
Enterprise really picked up with the last series, would have loved to see where they would go with it.

Firefly was to short lived, as mentioned. Damn you Fox!!
Earth Final Conflict? I watched it the first year and thought it had potential and then it got sucky... maybe it's good that it's gone?
Gotta say Farscape. I wish it had been on HBO or something instead of SciFi, I think it could have gone even further than it did. At least it got the miniseries so it didn't end on that ridiculous cliff hanger, but still. :-/
It's not always a bad thing. :D

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