Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

Actually more excited about the Anthology movies than the Awakens one.
Just for the story & look of everything. Looks good.
As a Galactic Empire/501 Legion type of guy though, can I get an Asian brother casted as bad guy?
All these British commanders and stormtroopers.types.
Guys across the Pond have more fun.
Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

Wait, I don't get it.

You don't want them to tell the same old story, the Star Wars story, because it's already been told and it already has it's own movie.

So you want them to do Casablanca, a story that has already been done and already has it's own movie, Casablanca.

I like the idea of a whole new story, with new characters, that happens to tie in with Star Wars right at the end- especially because at this part of the story only Leia and Darth Vader would probably even be in the movie at all. Maybe Tarkin. I'm looking forward to it.
I'm not really saying that they should do casablanca in space as much as I'm saying they should tell other stories.

I love the main story. The same way that lord of the rings is a perfect trilogy. But you have to be careful when expanding past that. I haven't seen them but I've only heard bad things about the hobbit trilogy. But imagine if they started doing other stories in middle earth? Not just "the further adventures of the people you already know"

I do believe that creativity pays off. But boxing yourself in never does

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Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

Actually more excited about the Anthology movies than the Awakens one.
Just for the story & look of everything. Looks good.
As a Galactic Empire/501 Legion type of guy though, can I get an Asian brother casted as bad guy?
All these British commanders and stormtroopers.types.
Guys across the Pond have more fun.
Yes...the opportunity for multicultural/gender equality casting is ripe. I don't think ANY star wars fan would have a problem with that. Now is our chance to vest star trek at their game

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Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

I really hope that if Vader does make an appearance in this film, that they use the original costume style & helmet

Looking forward to this film now,....the possibilities

Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

Really glad that donnie yen decided to go back to hollywood movies after the bad experience he had before. Especially glad that hes in the star wars franchise
Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

I really hope that if Vader does make an appearance in this film, that they use the original costume style & helmet

Even if the chest box and lightsaber and such are all ROTJ/ROTS -- even if the helmet brow has the clipped "widow's peak"... I hope they at least put his inner robe over the chest armor. I always, [always[/i] preferred that look.

Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

I love that they are making a "war movie" that fits into the star wars universe, I also wish it was a fresh story though and not one we already know. That said, love the way it's looking of far. A lot.

Hoping we get some surprises though.
Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

There's been talk about Grand Moff Tarkin being created for this movie as a CGI actor !! Now I don't think it will happen, and it's just rumour !
Now this may be a coincidence, but firstly Mads Mikkelsen has been cast in this film, he does have quite a slim face, and both he and Peter Cushing are/were 1.83 m in height !!

Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

You know what will be great? A star wars movie that probably won't have artoo or threepio
Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

You know what will be great? A star wars movie that probably won't have artoo or threepio

Anyone else remember when we were kids and George Lucas said he had 9 movies in his head, and that they followed R2 and 3PO?
And that previous to ANH they belonged to either Bail Organa or some guy named Achilles or something (my memory gets fuzzy there)?
Anybody else? Just me?...
Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

Anyone else remember when we were kids and George Lucas said he had 9 movies in his head, and that they followed R2 and 3PO?
And that previous to ANH they belonged to either Bail Organa or some guy named Achilles or something (my memory gets fuzzy there)?
Anybody else? Just me?...

Yeah, I remember that. I think that was when he was using the hidden fortress as his template. Somewhere along the line it became a story about the lineage of Anakin skywalker.

I believe it was captain antilles
Re: Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One

Wait, now people have a problem with R2 and 3P0? Who's next, Lando? It's starting to get ridiculous, the amount of character issues that are popping up among fans.
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