Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Pre-release)

No, labels like "sexists, misogynists and racists" are most often because of the content of posts. Often trolls are called trolls because of behavior.

I won't disagree that TFA definitely has a lovefest on this site - and its been generally well received all around (perhaps there's a reason for that?). I have issues with the movie - and I've stated so ...and that's often been met with the unwavering faithful who refuse to see anything negative in the film; however, sometimes you do get your point across and some do get it. (I'll add while I do have issues with the TFA, I have an awful lot of love for it, too). There are fundamental things wrong with this movie... the least of which is Rey being a "Mary Sue" (and term being misused over and over and over again - and an accusation that's been repeatedly refuted with great detail, skill and truth).

It's when some posts are filled with unmitigated spite with outright sexism and misogyny that some are treated the way they are. Those that continue to harp on these things (despite solid arguments against their comments) showcase a part of this male-dominated fandom that just shows the worst of all of us.

We get it - females scare some folks. Some just don't want to see their male-dominated fantasy worlds overcome by so-called "girl power." If this were the 60s, they'd be complaining about Finn... and I'm sure some here are bitching about that under their breath.
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I find it weird how many people think this story won't be that impactful because we know how it ends...

Honestly, I wasn't THAT enthralled with the trailer until that final shot...

"If you continue to fight, what will you become?"


THAT shot... You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.

This girl isn't getting a medal at the end of ANH... A movie needs stakes, and these guys stealing the plans from inside the Death Star... There could be some crazy intense scenes. We don't know that anyone gets out alive.

Make us care about the characters, then make us fear for their lives. Yeah we know they accomplish their goal, but who makes it out?
Personally I don't want Jedi in this film. Jedi are just a tiny part of the Galactic war (albiet a crucial and central part) but I'm happy to also see the war from the side of the grunts for once.
I agree. I was glad to see no lightsabers in the trailer... I know some are suggesting that the one character is a Jedi - or former Jedi (Jedi in hiding, whatever...). If he is - I hope it's not addressed in the movie, just let this guy kick ass (not unlike Denzel Washington's character in Book of Eli).

It's been suggested there are 100 or so Jedi left after Order 66. This movie takes place 15 years or so after - so while there are some Jedi left, this universe should be big enough that we don't need to see them in every movie.
It's just a glimpse, to be fair, but it's made me and some others think, Oh God, here we go again. Girl power run amok. Listen, I agree that some women are way more capable than the classic Hollywood stereotype of them falling down as they attempt to flee the monster or bad guy. But apparently it's not good enough for girls to not fall down as they flee danger. No, they have to turn around and beat the living crap out of that danger, even when it defies the laws of physics and common sense. The pendulum has swung waaaay too far to the other side. I'm hoping it will settle in the middle, in reality, some day soon.

Wow. I'm glad I've grown from my dumb 20's when I was in the military and can actually recognize how horrible this paragraph is. IMO, we are still a far ways from even the middle vice being on the other side!

I want to see why Vader is the most feared Sith in the galaxy. I want to see him wreck a bunch of rebels without mercy.

Check out Vader Down in the new Star Wars Vader comic books. Dude straight up decimates 2 wings of x wing fighters and when he gets to the planet he takes on all the rebels at the base on the planet. It definitely shows why he was so feared.
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Personally I don't want Jedi in this film. Jedi are just a tiny part of the Galactic war (albiet a crucial and central part) but I'm happy to also see the war from the side of the grunts for once.

It's like WW2 films - sure there's a great story to be told from the perspective of the generals and world leaders (e.g. Patton, A Bridge Too Far) but it's also fascinating (arguably more) the stories that come from the field (e.g. Band of Brothers, Das Boot, The Great Escape ...). I want Rogue One to be the latter kind of film.

There will be no Jedi in Rogue One. As Gareth Edwards said "God is not coming to save you". And considering many on the production were previously involved in shows like Band of Brithers and films like Saving Private Ryan likely bodes well for your wish fulfillment. :)
So maybe there'll be a character named Lactos :lol
Would you able to ...(ahem) ... "tolerate" that? :lol

That reminds me, the naming conventions in Star Wars did get a little ludicrous. While I love all the terminology introduced in the first movie the later films got a little strange. I was able to look past the fat pilot named, "Porkins", in the first film but when you have a squid-headed species called, mon calamari that was just too much to bear.

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There will be no Jedi in Rogue One. As Gareth Edwards said "God is not coming to save you". And considering many on the production were previously involved in shows like Band of Brithers and films like Saving Private Ryan likely bodes well for your wish fulfillment. :)
you know, speaking of grand admirals..wasn't admiral Dalla one, from the rouge squadron series?

she was pretty awesome..until they did a complete 180 on her character, somehow wussed her out by turning her good for no reason at all, and then making her the head of the Gallactic alliance for some reason. They ruined a perfectly good villain, that IIRC, was on the intelligence level of thrawn and far more ruthless.

One of the EU images that stick in my head all these years later was her blasting a SSD hidden inside coruscants city scape..
The worst thing in the trailer is that klaxon. If RO doesn't win an Oscar for sound editing, that will be the reason. I think the sound is a Taun Taun getting crushed in the trash compactor.

The worst thing in the trailer is that klaxon. If RO doesn't win an Oscar for sound editing, that will be the reason. I think the sound is a Taun Taun getting crushed in the trash compactor.


But a klaxon isn't meant to sound cool, it's meant as a warning and to get your attention, that the ones in Star Wars happen to sound cool is a bonus. So long as it catches your attention and is distinctive it's done its job.
The most amazing thing is this part was filmed at the tube station I get off for work every day. So, I actually get off at The Death Star :D

Now that is something worth knowing. I hope we'll see the Emperor going up the escalator whilst his soldiers come down the other way. "Stormtrooper". Think Robot Chicken.
Thanks for the lesson on the uses and sound qualities of space klaxons, but I still don't like it. Didn't imply that I didn't like it because it didn't sound cool.

I just thought it was the worst thing in the trailer.
I like that the sound f/x sound true to the that klaxon not the same as the originals? I think it was used in ROTJ when luke is pulling vader to the shuttle.
...Those of us who were turned off by Rey's absurdly fast and advanced facility with the Force have just been shown a trailer featuring another scrawny female lead who's shown kicking ass in close combat. And this girl, presumably, does not have the Force to explain her abilities. ...No, they have to turn around and beat the living crap out of that danger, even when it defies the laws of physics and common sense.

To be fair, how realistic or how much common sense does any action movie have in regards to the actor's actual physical capabilities or physics regardless of the actor's gender?

You think Harrison Ford could really do the things in real life that Indiana Jones did?

You are looking for realism in a movie franchise that is so far beyond unrealistic is pure fantasy.

For example, there is no outcry over how unreasonable it is to have a X-wings and Y-wings maneuver like they do in space regardless of how physically unrealistic it is, but there is an outcry over an actor/actress who doesn't look like a fighter being able to kick the crap out of someone

Sure, I agree her ramp up to the force was a little rushed and these movies may not be everyone's cup of tea, but don't discount them for not following reality in one regard and then give it a blanket pass in ignoring reality in others