Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Post-release)

i remember it looking badly pixelated and jumpy.. or giving off that effect.

Huh, I'll have to watch more closely for that next time. Did you see it in 3D or 2D? Although I'm not sure if that would really make much difference visually. I've seen some people say her smile looked weird but it struck me as pretty natural.
Huh, I'll have to watch more closely for that next time. Did you see it in 3D or 2D? Although I'm not sure if that would really make much difference visually. I've seen some people say her smile looked weird but it struck me as pretty natural.
When did you see it, if I may ask? Regarding my post above about a possible VFX tweak.
I watched in 2D prior to Christmas and 2D IMAX post Carrie Fisher's death. I knew for obvious reasons (39 years later) I was watching facsimiles and thought oh Tarkin in the dark is a cheat, but it was still amazing. I thought it was a great example of necessary. Not just because yousa can do it for the entire movie CGI.

The second viewing was post Fisher's death, and it got me pretty good. The 2D IMAX 70mm print is gorgeous. So if you liked it in regular 2D, try it again in IMAX.
While anything is possible, I suspect this "changed ending" thing is simply the quirks and fallibilities of human memory.
Kinda looks OK to me but they are stills from a cam copy.
The Carrie effect was definitely less effective perhaps due to the bright lighting of the room. Tarkin is seen mostly in dark areas of his ship or the DS.
If I was someone stuck on Earth and had no idea about CGI, I would swear Tarkin was an actor. Leia OTOH looks off to me. It's not awful by a long shot, but I though young Tony Stark in Captain America: Civil War (I think?) was about the best I've seen so far. Tarkin is even with that IMO.
Just got back from my second viewing. I still think people are over-rating this one, but my opinion of it has improved quite a bit. KNOWING there would be no crawl, there'd be CG characters, lame cameos and Easter eggs, there would be trailer shots missing, etc helped me just watch the movie instead of dealing with constantly feeling jarred. And as always I picked up on stuff I'd missed before. Still, this feels a little hollow to me. I'm just not having the emotional connection to these characters I imnediately felt with TFA. Maybe I need the fairy tale instead of the war story. Good lord is it pretty to look at though.

Any consensus on how the droids got on Tantive IV? Did Leia rendevous with Raddus before the attack?
i see a lot of people have a problem with the droids scene and getting onto the tantive. i really didnt have a problem with it, 3po bitches that " why am i the last to know these things" so they probably rush over to their ship

in ANH they claim the captain is their owner so they figured we better get back on the ship before we are left here alone

thats how i took it? maybe im over looking something else? I've only seen it once
i see a lot of people have a problem with the droids scene and getting onto the tantive. i really didnt have a problem with it, 3po bitches that " why am i the last to know these things" so they probably rush over to their ship

in ANH they claim the captain is their owner so they figured we better get back on the ship before we are left here alone

thats how i took it? maybe im over looking something else? I've only seen it once

But Raddus was en route to Scarif, according to the dialogue. So did Tantive catch up and dock with him...?
But Raddus was en route to Scarif, according to the dialogue. So did Tantive catch up and dock with him...?

ohhhhh you see now this can get tricky... i didnt hear that part!! yes i have to agree with you now... hmmmmm im going to check the visual guide see if they have anything to say about the tantive iv
It's easy enough to hand wave away but...if you're gonna make a prequel, you gotta do your homework!

yes buddy, now sitting back and thinking that is a big deal, i didnt know raddus already left the planet... maybe i guess we could say leias ship docked with raddus' ship while the battle was going on... for what reason and why? that gets tricky...
It looks like the Rebel Fleet Troopers* have helmets that are pure white (a common misperception), and not the very light gray of the originals.

*really Alderaan guys, but whatev
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