Rage 2 canceled

Wes R

Legendary Member
Zenimax the company behind Bethesda and newer fallout games has canceled Rage 2 as apparently 2.5 million games sold isn't enough to warrant a second game. They're also putting the screws to ID software because of the new Doom game falling behind schedule and they want it done by the end of the year. We can only hope they are using the cancellation of Rage 2 as a way to get ID to move faster. Zenimax is like all the other publishers unless it sells 5 million copies they're not going to give you any support. I think this is why there is no new Fallout games.
2.5 million copies, abysmal reception, a slew of problems for weeks after launch... Rage was a flop, through and through. It failed to live up to hype and the tech behind it was lackluster. Don't try to spin this like Bethesda/Zenimax is the bad guy. id ****ed up.
Oh i agree ID is the entire problem but Behtesda/zenimax could have handed it off to to the guys behind the newer fallout games. I mean the storyline is a good one it just needs polished. I have no doubt the new doom will be a stinker too.
I picked up the game on PC and, while it was visually impressive, I couldn't run it at the highest razzle-dazzle settings. The textures really didn't work that well. The actual gameplay was mildly diverting, but fairly lackluster. I'm not finished with it yet, but it's a very...limited game. Interesting setting and all, but it's really kind of a throwback in terms of game design, even with the little side-games and the ability to drive around from settlement to settlement (where there's nothing much to do when you get there). The missions themselves are incredibly linear and basically just send you down the same old tunnel/hallway that you've been running down in id games since 1992.

That, I think, is the real problem. In spite of the "open world" environment (which is only sort of true) and in spite of the side missions you can take and minigames you can play, the actual approach to problem solving in the game is still exactly the same as it's always been: run down this hall and shoot everything you encounter. Period.

That's fun in a mindless kind of way, and the game has an interesting atmosphere to it, but it just feels very....I dunno.....small. Limited. Ho-hum. More modern games allow for a variety of problem-solving, even if it's something as simple as offering multiple approaches to a single objective. In Rage, you literally are running down hallways, in spite of the graphical appearance of other options. It's all still basically a straight line with maybe a room here or there that has items in it for you to grab. Not much different from Wolfenstein 3D, just with better graphics and more guns. Oh, and those minigames.

I got it on a Steam sale, and I'm glad. It's not worth full freight. $20? Sure. Not $40, and certainly not $60.
I for sure think the franchise should be handed off to Bethesda, as much as i'm not fond of their version of Fallout the Rage series would be perfect for how they make open world games.
Games like Rage make me think that the games industry is moving into Hollywood territory, putting out crap on top of crap, hoping for marketing and pre-orders to save face before all the negative publicity and word of mouth gets around to tell people to stay away. In this particular case, I'm betting most of those 2.5m sales were week one.

I remember the good old days when 1m sales was a blockbuster.
Games like Rage make me think that the games industry is moving into Hollywood territory, putting out crap on top of crap, hoping for marketing and pre-orders to save face before all the negative publicity and word of mouth gets around to tell people to stay away. In this particular case, I'm betting most of those 2.5m sales were week one.

Triple-A studios, definitely. In fact lots of the heads of those studios wish they were in Hollywood, and act like they are. Gems slip through the cracks of major game studios like Bioshock Infinite, but they're the exception and not the rule. Smaller studios are where the real fun is at.
Most game companies only really care about the first month or so of sales as that's when they make back their original investment sort of how movie studios a really care about the first week or so in theaters.
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