QMx Serenity money preview


Master Member
Heya gang, thought the RPF would like to see a little teaser of what is currently printing. Here's the proofs for the Serenity Money Packs I signed off on last week. Things are almost ready to ship.

Here are pack ins for the money pack (and whattya know, a Mal Gun document.)

The super-awesome Miranda map - I love this Geoff Mandel art.

Box art. I blurred the text - you'll just have to read about the money when you get one :)

And speaking of, here is a money sheet proof. The paper we're printing on is a high rag sheet - it has a really nice finish, and feels like currency.

Here too, are a few teasers of how SHARP and nice the bills themselves are. Comparing the original art files to what most fans have used to make bills (scans from real bills or scans from the Serenity book). I have compared and re-compared the bill proofs to the screen-used money I own, and the QMx replicas are amazing. The sharper areas are the real files - the blurry areas are from a scan of what was printed in the Serenity book (think of it as a second generation cast, lol):



So like I said - everything is at the printer now, and will be assembled and shipped soon. It's really exciting to see something like this come together, and I'll share more as we continue to make the things you guys want.

Thanks, Jason
Great pics.

While it's great that the money is being made from the original files and will be nice and crisp, I almost perfer the Serenity book scans. The blured, grainy look seems to fit in better with the background (Bhutan note) than the super crisp and clean art.

Also, I see the "Large Scale Serenity Replica" listed there. Can't wait to see more info on that...
i was just wondering about this today. nice to know its almost done.

looking pretty cool too.
Lookin' good so far. Now how 'bout some pics of the GUN? :)

Ditto on the large-scale Serenity. What I'd really like to know is the aimed-at price point (over or under 500 bucks?) so that I can plan next years economy.

About the super-crisp artwork. Don't worry, once the ink gets put on paper it'll probably blurr up a little.

/Joe F
Fantastic. Man, I can't wait to buy a set....

(Now that these are available, I think I'm permanently out of the "Serenity movie money repros on eBay" biz. I don't want to cut into any licensed stuff, now matter how fractionally. We want more licensed material.)