PROJECT - INKibator (old printer modifications - COMPLETE)


Sr Member
Currently, I am re-purposing an Epson Inkjet that no longer has a future as a printer.

I call it the "Inkibator"

NOTICE: Please forgive the background music in the videos.
It's the only one Youtube hasn't blocked due to copyright ...

There will be a chamber in the back for specimens/organisims/samples, etc......

The keyboard was added, using the original hideaway paper tray.
Above the keyboard, I added a CD ROM.
I am concidering adding a couple cooling fans in the front and tubing.

There will be some kind of lighting effect in the rear chamber in conjuction with the movement (back and forth) of the scanning (printer) head, which will contain various chemical vials and a digital readout, which will be visable though the opening in the access door.

Still a ways to go, but thought I would share :)


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Re: Project INKABATOR - printer mod.

Well done Propmaster...

I have a question for you, but I dont know if you accept PMs.
Can you send me one?

Re: PROJECT - INKibator (old printer modifications )

Updated the INKibator:

NOTE: In case anyone is wondering, this prop is meant to be multifunctional, made using a PRINTER as the base, so I decided to make up a name using the word INK (printer reference) and finishing up with ....abator.

It can be used as an alien organisim "life support unit" or a cell cloning station or creating a new life form using chemical reaction/scanner tech.

Maybe even a DNA Infuser, yada yada get the idea. :)

Not just an Incubator.


(removed old link)


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Re: PROJECT - INKibator (old printer modifications )

Did some more work on the Vial Injection port:

(removed old video link)





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Re: PROJECT - INKibator (old printer modifications )

I am starting on another project (higher priority), so it will take a bit longer to complete this one.
I did manage however to make a few more modification and do a quick video before I got side railed.

(removed old video link)

Thanks for looking :)

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Re: PROJECT - INKibator (old printer modifications - COMPLETE)

Dang where does the time go?

I started this project over a year ago and got side tracked by other builds.

This started out as a simple repurpose project on an old printer
that no longer had any more life as it was.

So, The INKibator was born:

If you have some time, check it out :)

Thanks for looking


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