Profilies in History Hollywood Auction 62 exclusive lot sneak peek.

Profiles makes huge claims about Star Trek items that can't be supported. With no tags or screen-match, the "Sulu" shirt could have been worn by dozens of other actors not named Takei. And while Doohan is the most likely wearer of the red, untagged shirt, to say that he was the only actor who EVER wore such a piece is absurd. Stuntmen and background actors definitely wore versions. Profiles always has a problem with possibility versus certainty.

I don't know if they added it after the first time I saw the gun from Andromeda or if I just simply missed it, but it does say Used by both Kevin Sorbo as “Captain Dylan Hunt” and by Michael Shanks in the series. Although given they are calling it Captian Hunt hero prop, I think they should've used one of these images.

In depth video coverage of lots from Profiles in History Hollywood Auction #62

I visited Profiles in History recently while I was in California and Profiles CEO, Joe Maddalena, discussed a few items being auctioned.

New videos and photos of highlighted lots will be posted in the next few days.

Here Joe describes an original and rare "Witch Remover" prop from the classic Judy Garland film, "The Wizard of Oz".

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The more start prices (and fees to PiH) increased at PiH auctions the less items had proof of provenance. Have to be careful on everything you bid on but I would say that from all people auctioning screenused items off, PiH are certainly part of the 1-3 more serious providers worldwide.


I will throw in my usual Gee whiz you mean PIH has dubious listings?

Nooooooo say it aint so! :lol
I love seeing items that sold off propstore and other sites lately show up in other auctions. Mainly that interview with a vampire "hero" Syckle in this one for 6k start price. Not sure, but I thought it was 3-3.5k on propstore.

Watched liv Tyler's burned coat from the hulk go 2 weeks ago after it was on propstore maybe 2 months ago.

Guess its fast turn around these days.
I may not remember this correctly, but first, it is my understanding that by the rules/laws in Hollywood, each actor has to have a clean costume each and every day.

That for the main actors this means many copies, and if I remember it correctly it was very hot working under the old keg lights so sweating was a major problem so an actor could go though a few costumes changes per day.

Not to mention other kinds of mishaps that would call for a change, this is why all real costumes have a zipper of other fastener to allow removing and exchanging without going over the head so that its change will NOT harm either the face makeup nor hair.

Now add in ALL the extras.

The laundry services on the lot are the equal of a major hotel, which often has to change all the sheets and towels DAILY.

Lastly, if they had to remove the rank braid, why not the Star Fleet Emblem on the chest?

It would be just as much subjected to damage by dry cleaning as were the rank brad, if not more so.

Think how many seamstress that would take to remove and replace (sew) on all that rank brad.

I don’t think the brad was removed every day to all those costumes.

My 2 cents worth.

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On the majority of the costumes at least the Major characters the braid and insignia was removed daily
I love seeing items that sold off propstore and other sites lately show up in other auctions. Mainly that interview with a vampire "hero" Syckle in this one for 6k start price. Not sure, but I thought it was 3-3.5k on propstore.

Watched liv Tyler's burned coat from the hulk go 2 weeks ago after it was on propstore maybe 2 months ago.

Guess its fast turn around these days.
It is - this
Original Nazi Costume Design
was sold just recently, but the price is about the same. $1995 if I remember correctly at Propstore, now starts at $2000.
Profiles Hollywood Auction 62 lot video interviews: Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, more

Here Joe Maddalena from Profiles describes an original and rare TravillaSubway Dress” costume sketch, from the Marilyn Monroe film, ”The Seven Year Itch“, James Dean’s Switchblade from “Rebel Without A Cause“, and items from and inspired by Hollywood’s The Chinese Theatre.

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Re: Profiles Hollywood Auction 62 lot video interviews: Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, m

How about showing a video with Joe in which he explains how he can magically determine how the two Star Trek TOS shirts were worn by the respective stars as the catalog claims, despite not demonstrating a SHRED of evidence to support that claim? THAT would be helpful to the hobby.

I find it bizarre that Profiles can't be bothered to make their own videos to show these items off.

They have.

Dan. You think it's bizarre yet news organizations, online websites, and blogs go to the source (auction houses in this instance), they are writing about and interview/film them the majority of the time for press coverage. The way it usually works is a catalog or press announcement is released to the public, after seeing it people become interested in learning more, so news organizations including, television, print, and online media, go and report about what's happening. The auction house being interviewed usually doesn't show "these things off" on their own much beyond the initial announcement they are selling them. The media does that.

Julien's Auctions, Julien's Auctions 2, Julien's Auctions 3, Profiles in History, [URL=""]Profiles in History 2, Profiles in History 3, Christies[/URL], Blacksparrow Auctions, Premier Props, Propstore, and others.
I think Dan makes a good point. With FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE, why not produce a high quality feature video with any spokesperson they choose for these main sales?
Re: Profiles Hollywood Auction 62 lot video interviews: Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, m

How about showing a video with Joe in which he explains how he can magically determine how the two Star Trek TOS shirts were worn by the respective stars as the catalog claims, despite not demonstrating a SHRED of evidence to support that claim? THAT would be helpful to the hobby.

Don that's a great idea, but unfortunately I was there a few weeks ago before your comments and questions. It worked well a few years ago for the LOST auction when there were a few questions before hand presented on another forum. I was able to send those questions to Joe from PIH and he answered all of the members questions. I then posted his answers on that forum. I also cleared up incorrect assumptions concerning the Fish Biscuit machine and posted a screen grab I found verifying it was used in the series.

Since you have a Star Trek specific blog you may want to contact Profiles directly and ask the question you mentioned above.
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