If the X is a replica, it's the best one I've ever seen. Pyro, of course. The cockpit looks built-in, the nose looks absolutely spot on. All the chips and panel lines seem to check out, though all my ref seems to show two parallel chips on the fuselage, not visible here. Would like to see more photos, though, before calling genuine, though there really is nothing from this angle that looks out. The imperfect covering of the primer (if that's what it is) on the leading wing edges, and the real-world randomness of the other breaks in the paint also seem to indicate authenticity. I think a faker would have to be extremely clever, first to build such a perfect form, the most perfect I've seen, and then to have the wit to present broken paintwork, and in such a real-world random way. The undamaged paint does look kind of clean and new, but maybe it's just been maintained well or given a good restoration.