Prey-Predator Prequel

The dialog was some of the worst in a looong time for something so basic. I couldn't actually sit through this one. Had to turn it off a few times and come back to avoid my eyes rolling so far back into my head the Undertaker would be jealous. Just another bad fan film sadly relying so much on suspension of disbelief I'd have to be brain dead to comprehend who thought what when giving this project a go.
I'm not gonna watch that video because I don't want to help those dudes make money. With a title like that, its obvious that he didn't watch the movie or its just a shameless cash grab. Naru didn't beat the predator because she was strong. She beat it because she was observant and smart. These traits were well established earlier in the movie. I could understand and agree with these criticisms if she physically beat the predator down, which is something I doubt any human on earth could do. But she didn't. She made some observations and tricked the predator, which is exactly the same way Arnold won in the first movie. Yes, it was luck or script magic that the predator stood in the exact spot where the targeting laser would be aimed at. Once again, the exact same thing in the first movie where Arnold lured the predator to stand in the exact spot of his booby trap. So for the people who are making the argument that Naru shouldn't have beat the predator because she is a women, why not? Are women not capable of trickery? Obviously humans present some challenge or the predators wouldn't come here in the first place.
If you actually watched the video, he states it’s a good action-horror film as long as you don’t think about the character development or plot (which he does discuss intelligently when he does talk about character development and plot, which discusses why none of it makes sense). But, you’ve made your judgement from the title alone, so you don’t have to watch it if you don’t want to.

BTW, I don’t think I’ve seen you here before. Welcome to the RPF if you’re new. :)
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You literally have stated one of the things he pointed out as one of the positives in the film. If you actually watched the video, he states it’s a good action-horror film as long as you don’t think about the character development or plot (which he does discuss intelligently when you do think about character development and plot, that none of it makes sense). But, you’ve made your judgement from the title alone, so you don’t have to watch it if you don’t want to.

BTW, I don’t think I’ve seen you here before. Welcome to the RPF if you’re new. :)
Yes I judged it from the title alone. But he gave it that title for a reason. He was trying to elicit a certain response. I hope mine was one he didn't expect. There is a lot of division amongst people nowadays (that's what I hear on the internet, I don't see it in day to day life), but then you got channels like this guy fanning the flames to make money from it. I'm just choosing not to participate in that, at the risk of maybe losing some good content. There's a lot of good things about social media as well. But I don't use it for the same reason. My loss I suppose. But really, I don't feel like I'm losing much.

I thought Prey was a good movie in the franchise. Not the best. But far from the worst. I enjoyed that it was like 90 minutes long. It was refreshing in the age of 2hr+ movies. I didn't understand why the French trapper area looked like a WW1 battlefield. I also was annoyed at Comanche in the Northern Great Plains area description. That is such an easy thing to get right. I convinced myself that it is in Colorado and let it slide.

I've been a member since 2009. I'm not a super prolific poster. Usually, other people say what I feel about movies better and more eloquently than I would myself. I do come here almost every day to catch up on comments.
I'm not gonna watch that video because I don't want to help those dudes make money. With a title like that, its obvious that he didn't watch the movie or its just a shameless cash grab. Naru didn't beat the predator because she was strong. She beat it because she was observant and smart. These traits were well established earlier in the movie. I could understand and agree with these criticisms if she physically beat the predator down, which is something I doubt any human on earth could do. But she didn't. She made some observations and tricked the predator, which is exactly the same way Arnold won in the first movie. Yes, it was luck or script magic that the predator stood in the exact spot where the targeting laser would be aimed at. Once again, the exact same thing in the first movie where Arnold lured the predator to stand in the exact spot of his booby trap. So for the people who are making the argument that Naru shouldn't have beat the predator because she is a women, why not? Are women not capable of trickery? Obviously humans present some challenge or the predators wouldn't come here in the first place.
Yes, they present a challenge (Men or Women). My question is this: the Predator must be a young warrior that has to use his skills and adapt to the context of the world to which he's sent. I'm sure the Predator species has some intel as to what kind of weapons/strategy/society he's going to face. Maybe some were successful into defeating the Indians...and some not so much.
The way I've always looked at it is that the Predators come down with only enough weapons to give them a chance against the native population. If they just showed up with everything they had, then it wouldn't be a challenge. Then they have to kill enough dangerous creatures to prove they're worthy as hunters, which is why they take the trophies they do. The humans wouldn't have been a remote challenge to a Predator at full strength. It's supposed to be a battle of wits more than a battle of technology.

I'm also assuming that there are some rules to what the Predators do. What's the point if you can just stand back and pick off targets with long range weapons? Why bother if you can easily kill the infirm or the young or the elderly? Why kill things that aren't a danger to you? What does that prove?

That's why I say the Predator acted inconsistently. If it's not killing those that don't pose an immediate danger, then why did it kill the guy in the grass field that was running away? No danger posed there at all. Yet mere moments later, the Predator didn't kill Naru in the trap. You can't say one was a danger and the other wasn't, nor that one had tried to kill the Predator and the other hadn't. Same with the French trappers. It killed one who was no danger, hell, he had no leg and was bleeding out, but later on, didn't kill one with a gun. All of this is being done for the benefit of the audience without any consideration for the logic behind the story. Why is this being done by the characters? What is their motivation? That's something that gets completely ignored in modern CGI-happy Hollywood. So long as you get explosions, they're happy.
Saw the Comanche version of Prey yesterday. Am feeling a little miffed that it isn't an alternative version, but just a dub. They should have done it for real, as there really aren't that many talking scenes anyway, so it feels a little lazy. The Comanche version should have been the original version they made and then they could have made the alternative English dubbed version for those who cannot handle subtitles.

Good movie. I hope they make more Predator movies with that kind of quality or above instead of the lame-ass stuff they've made ever since the second one.
Saw the Comanche version of Prey yesterday. Am feeling a little miffed that it isn't an alternative version, but just a dub. They should have done it for real, as there really aren't that many talking scenes anyway, so it feels a little lazy. The Comanche version should have been the original version they made and then they could have made the alternative English dubbed version for those who cannot handle subtitles.

Good movie. I hope they make more Predator movies with that kind of quality or above instead of the lame-ass stuff they've made ever since the second one.

I agree completely.
A friend that liked this movie didn't even notice where the real story was missed, the French trappers. They already had existing knowledge of the predator and its tactics and even its equipment and technology. It's why they used the easy to capture Indians as bait. Notice the scorched earth leaving no trees to camouflage against or use as a high point. The ash and soot would expose its movements even when invisible moving the air and dust ash soot around it. They had traps and ambushes laid out over the entire area. I'd even go as far as guessing the slaughtered animals were not done for just their skins but to bait the predator into their field of play.
All that is the story that was worthy to be told. How they originally encountered, battled and repeatedly lost against the predator. Learning from each loss as a progression VS going out as cannon fodder for both the predator and a little girl.
Just like blade runner 2049, the better story is right there, just not told or realized. FYI, that would have been K going rogue to upload Joys consciousness to a living replicant therefore creating life. Missed opportunities staring the writers, producers and director right in the face.
Then how do you explain that they completely botched up and hunted the Predator as it if was a normal predatory animal? They completely missed the mark and tried to lure it out with prey it in no way was interested in. They were so wrong that they all died because of it.

No way in heck they had encountered anything like the Predator before. Otherwise they wouldn't have used normal tactics used to hunt carnivorous animals on a hunter.
Then how do you explain that they completely botched up and hunted the Predator as it if was a normal predatory animal? They completely missed the mark and tried to lure it out with prey it in no way was interested in. They were so wrong that they all died because of it.

No way in heck they had encountered anything like the Predator before. Otherwise they wouldn't have used normal tactics used to hunt carnivorous animals on a hunter.
The story was utterly ridiculous
Then how do you explain that they completely botched up and hunted the Predator as it if was a normal predatory animal? They completely missed the mark and tried to lure it out with prey it in no way was interested in. They were so wrong that they all died because of it.

No way in heck they had encountered anything like the Predator before. Otherwise they wouldn't have used normal tactics used to hunt carnivorous animals on a hunter.

The movie we got was about a little girl and teenage angst brothers, not the trappers. Make the movie about the trappers and they are no longer mindless cannon fodder in the movie. It's all right there, but it's a jack sparrow moment, wave at it all as it passes by. The trappers serve as nothing more than a way to get the pistol to the girl and give her someone to fight showing her Rey'abilities.
Sigh…never mind.
I did read your initial reply and yes, what you asked is exactly what I said. The interesting story was in the trappers. There is a story of a group of people the viewer is not rooting for, being hunted as they are hunting, reslise they are being hunted over the course of a few hunting seasons, the person that has survived a couple seasons is now the lead trapper hiring unknowing new trappers to work for him, setting them up to be hunted while he sits back and observes, by doing so he realizes the predator likely can't be killed with the current state of human weapons but has gained the knowledge to trap the predator. In that process the lead trapper has done horrible and unforgiving things to humans and animals alike. So again, there is no hero and we want him to be skinned alive.
If you like we can add in a native American who saves the trapper from certain death sustained by wounds caused by the intital predator encounter. The trapper learns alternate tracking methods and primitive large animal trapping by them. But again that's another version. What makes movies like these work is the simplicity of it all and runing time. Don't convolute the basics with side missions. Tell one story with believable characters leaving people wanting more.
Finally got around to watching this today. I really enjoyed it. It had fun callbacks to the original and was really well shot with great landscapes and easy to follow action sequences.

It still feels a bit campy in places like the original, but does it through a whole different lens.

I'll definitely be watching the dub version next time.

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