Painting tip question...


Master Member
..what kind of tape works best to block off sections to make clean lines in model painting? Masking is too porus and there's too much sepage. Electrical tape maybe?
Bryancd wrote:
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..what kind of tape works best to block off sections to make clean lines in model painting? Masking is too porus and there's too much sepage. Electrical tape maybe?
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I know years ago when I worked on Star Trek: DS9 we used Blue Painter's tape, just like they use to mask off areas in a home when painting, just make sure you remove some of the adhesive from the tape by sticking it to your shirt a couple of times, that way it doesn't peel off your first paint layer!
Yeah, I've used Scotch's blue masking tape for some trek stuff. I didn't even de-tac it first, and I didn't have any problems with it pealing off paint. It comes in different widths too for variously-sized projects.

I use Tamiya masking tape like it is going out of style. Comes in several thicknesses. Hobbytown USA carries it.

Thanks guys. The electrical tape worked fine, but I'll get the Timaya next time. I had a guy at HobbyTown do the repair work on this model and airbrushing. I'll post pics of it when it's all together
I use just plain ole' Scotch Magic tape. Works great! If you cut it in thin strips you can mask curves pretty good with it and always leaves clean lines. Whenever you laid it down on whatever you are masking off just make sure that you take something and run it along the edges that you are going to paint. I always use the end of a paintbrush to ensure that there is no bleeding under it.
