Limited Run Pacific Rim - Pan Pacific Defense Corps PVC patches

Any others on the list want to get their payment in before I submit final count to the vendor--please do so asap.

There were a few issues with the factory sample that needed to be fixed with the factory. It took them a few days going back and forth. The mold should be emailed early next week for approval.
Hey guys. Just returned from Celebration Anaheim so I'll update later tonight or Monday. Thanks for your continued patience.
Got 3 of the 4 factory samples for approval. As soon as I see the plain black the run will be produced.

They look nice. If you end up with an unpaid for green I would be willing to add one to my order if I can do so before shipping. I understand if this is not possible because I know you limited the run size.

Very nice looking, looking forward to getting my hands on one of these!

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