OT Emperor's Throne?

That was us :)

And (as someone here noted) it was not an attempt to make a direct replica. We designed that for a client who wanted something with a similar vibe, but more streamlined (we even incorporated some hints of Kirk's TOS bridge chair for good measure.)

Hardcoated foam is probably the best way to go if you wanna recreate the curves of the original design. IIRC, there are stills from Jedi where you can see the foam coat wasn't even sanded all that much (some styrofoam beading was still visible in the finish) but that's movie magic for ya :)

Best of luck with the project.

Not a bad bit of work, and probably cost a only couple hundred dollars.

You could start with a similar wood frame and attach foam blocks in areas like the back to get the rounded curve.

It will be great to watch your throne construction.
There are curves, but I don't see any compound curves on the chair. I would start with a wooden frame and add panels of some kind of semi-flexible sheeting material.
HIPS or ABS could be used but has to be heat-formed to prevent it from wanting to regain its shape. Plastic can also be punctured too easily.
I believe that there could exist some kind of thin wood fiber-based sheeting material that would be both cheaper, more durable and easier to work. A fiber-based material would also absorb paint/resin/putt/glue better, so that would make it more suitable than plastic if you want to reinforce it with fiberglass.
I have seen thick boarding material that is flexible along one axis, but very rigid along the other - perhaps there is a thinner material available with that property.
Throne details...


Found parts - Two dynodes plus V8 part 55-A ...

They may have used the gear from the V8 kit too. It's hard to tell. Looks metal in the pics and like it has a raised lip around the edge (instead of the gear's raised center).

I agree, foam and then coating. Easy enough with a hotwire and then hand sanding it. A HUGE amount of finish work to get it smooth but it can be done. The nice thing is I can get foam in blocks that large, the down side is who can get the chair through a doorway! :lol It would need to come apart, almost like a clamshell to be in 2 parts to fit in a room.

Anyone have any idea what the base was made from?
I have no idea.
It would have to be scratch built with the reference we have available.

For sure, the chair would have to separate at the top section, and from the base.
I think (hope) that would enable it to pass through a standard door in your home.
I could live with one fine seam line across the top of the back if that was the biggest sacrifice to have one in my prop room.

I have access to plenty of free huge chunks of solid foam blocks (much larger than this chair), but the problem is the cost of having it milled out and the time invested in the hand finishing.

The surface should be very smooth before painting. The slight texture you see on the surface is an orange peel effect from applying heavy coats with the paint gun.

Also, the seat cushions you see sculpted-in in the progress photos were removed and replaced with long sausage-like foam filled cushions that were laid individually next to each other. Also they were purple in color.

I was hoping someone would see this and commission it.

PS, if you lived closer, I'd say let's give it a go.

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This may be grasping at straws as there could easily have been another door out of view in this photo, but if the door in view in this photo is the only one, then either the original chair shown here dismantles or there wasn't any problem getting it through the door as it was.


For a standard exterior entry door, one might have to remove the door from the hinges and/or any latching hardware but from looks alone, I believe this could be maneuvered without problem starting from the bottom of the chair first.
I was trying to find an inexpensive costume to do so I could do charity work with the 501st in my area.

I thought of the Emperor, black robes, cane, facial makeup, fake chin. Didn't seem TOO hard.

Then we all agreed that I would really look better with the chair. Great idea, and I hope you get one made!
That doesnt look like a standard door, look at the right side of the doorway, looks like that door moves like in our old band room, when I was a kid. I doubt it is the ONLY door too...


This may be grasping at straws as there could easily have been another door out of view in this photo, but if the door in view in this photo is the only one, then either the original chair shown here dismantles or there wasn't any problem getting it through the door as it was.


For a standard exterior entry door, one might have to remove the door from the hinges and/or any latching hardware but from looks alone, I believe this could be maneuvered without problem starting from the bottom of the chair first.
This may be grasping at straws as there could easily have been another door out of view in this photo, but if the door in view in this photo is the only one, then either the original chair shown here dismantles or there wasn't any problem getting it through the door as it was.

It's easy, here is a "how to" pic, I'm sorry for the unprofessionalism, but it's a quick view of how to pass the throne:

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That doesnt look like a standard door, look at the right side of the doorway, looks like that door moves like in our old band room, when I was a kid. I doubt it is the ONLY door too...


Likely so.

But this accurately illustrates my last supposition...

It's easy, here is a "how to" pic, I'm sorry for the unprofessionalism, but it's a quick view of how to pass the throne:


I will do a better one ASAP and edit my post.
The reason I said it would not fit is I have templates I made of the chair :) I scaled it out, made the side view and front view templates and THEN tried getting the templates through my doorway. No way could it fit but then again maybe I have small doorways :) By the way I used my side view template to try and get it through the doorway like was illustrated in the previous posts and it could not go that way.
If it was carved from a single piece of foam........

So the actual chair is smaller then the original block.....

And the chair is now inside a room being photographed with an open door behind it.....

Then there must be another wider door not seen in the picture, because otherwise how did they get the foam block in the room ?......
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The other side of the door opens. The latch is in the middle of the door's edge, it's a typical double-door configuration. So yes, it's a wide chair that won't fit through single door openings.

Build it with a split right up the middle.
Large set pieces are made for films and most don't require that they have to fit through a standard doorway.
We don't know if it went through the doors pictured or some other garage type door not pictured.

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