Originally posted by uscm buzz@Dec 23 2005, 12:25 PM
Well since fan made replicas are being mentioned.. .. Here is my phaser I just did.. its a 23rd Century Recast..back several years ago.. when a buddy of mine and I started making molds.. He did some of these.. He can chime in a claim it if he wants.... some of his old castings still show up on ebay.. It is painted in the popular grey black color scheme.. like the playmates.. It had real bad flash and appeared to have been cast from a mold that was about shot.. I had some spare time at work.. so actually kepts sanding and puttying .. just trying to turn it into a bakground phaser.. thats all just make it look like a phaser.. the tenturn was damaged.. so I cut it off and replaced it with a resin graflex knob.. I think for a back ground prop it looks ok.. l... emmitter is hollow..metal trigger and p1 release..metal site window cover..