Re: official delorean BTTF conversion parts!
In my local newpaper today,
Tuesday 9-4-2007
The AUTOTIMES pull out section.
Evidently, Stephen Wynne has purchased all remainng parts, enough for
about 500 cars, and planst to start making the cars in Houston.
It notes that 9000 cars were made, and that an estimated 6500
still remain.
Mr. Wynne, plans to hand make 2 DeLoreans a month sometime next year.
$42,500 for something refurbished, 57,500 for new?
These are not re-creations, but rather, use the parts he has,
fix problems, use better/newer parts when possible.
The original 135 horsepower engine is avaiable as an option,
(the article indicates "the original cars' 135 horsepoer was a downer for performance enthusiasts")
No mention of Mr. Fusion, Hover Conversion Kits or a Flux Capacitor:cry