Another one of mine that I dug out of storage to share with you all today.
Again...an ERTL made good with spit, love, pastels and cheap craft paint.
Special things done were the use of gels in the clear engine housing rather than paint. Also of note is the leading edge of the baffles at the wing roots. Decals? Nope. They didn't exist then. I simply painted the baffles Humbrol brushable and buffable metallic gunmetal. Buffed it out, then scribed the lines in down to the plastic...then painted on the rust stains and added pastel weathering effects.
I also added little greeblies from the parts box to fix the lack of detail under the 'shoulders'. I used Micro Krystal Kleer to simulate the running lights' and beacons' lens housings.
The photon torpedo launcher got a disc made out of sheet styrene and detailed with a fine art marker to simulate the spinning disc effect seen in the films.
Battle damage was done with a hot soldering iron, silver and black paint, airbrushing and pastels.
I added an emergency egress hatch to the bridge and made ladder steps with tiny pieces of cut guitar wire. Unfortunately my camera won't show those little details.
I built this alongside and at the same time as Kurt Kuhn's BOP. He did his using many of the same techniques that were used on this one, only his was done with the wings up in 'cruise mode'. We achieved that position by cutting the baffles back. Kurt had started by very carefully attempting to cut the baffles down with a box knife. After he almost wrecked his hands doing that, he asked if there was a better way to go about it, so we dremeled and razor-sawed the baffles and sanded the cuts flush. The technique worked like a charm.
He's promised to post pics of that when he digs it out of storage.