no one has mentioned Lilo in JAIL?


Master Member
90 days starts today. The only sad part is that the judge has barred cameras. I would love to see her ein orange and see th edoor slammed behind her. It is about time!
Hopefully it'll shock the little spoiled idiot to straighten up. Evidently Putrid Hilton got nailed again for having pot in her purse. I guess you can't teach some people....
There is a school of thought that maybe Lindsay, god bless her, subconsciously wanted to
wind up in a Women's Jail.

And who are we to hold her back?
I don't understand why people even care, she's just another junkie in my eyes, I don't care how much money she has or her "status" in society. I could care less what happens to her.
we all know that she won't do th efull 90, but just the fac that she must go there and hear the steel door close behind her, is enough to shock the H*E*doublesippystraws out of her. No, it may do no good at all, but for one minute, it will dawn on her that YES, it CAN happen to her.

Once again, this is a spoiled child, and if she manages to grow up, she may become a human being. If not, she can go hook up with Dana Plato.
I don't understand why people even care, she's just another junkie in my eyes, I don't care how much money she has or her "status" in society. I could care less what happens to her.

To a certain point, I agree with that, but beyond my own feelings, This is a person that is in the media quite a bit, and many young girls (sadly) look up to her as a role model. I know she's not, but I am 47, not 13. I know better. But to a tweener, she is rich, drives great cars, doesn't do anything hard like school, job, or obey the law, that might look like a life to emulate.

I knew lots of people that thought just like that when they were teens. They aren't doing very well in their 30s and 40s, and they still have 40 years to go.
I enjoyed "The Parent Trap" remake that she was in, and I think I saw her in the Herbie movie remake too, beyond that I don't care about the drama that's been going on, just that I hope she gets better, it's a shame to see people take a turn for the worse, just my 2cents.
This is a person that is in the media quite a bit,

Only because people watch. Threads like this add to it. Do you think they don't count every web hit?

There's an old saying.

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

Stop being part of the problem. Don't start threads about these chuckleheads.
My Go Away Wish List

Please feel to add to it!

- Any and all Khartrashian sisters but mainly Kim.
- Nicole Ritchie
- Paris Hilton
- Heidi MontHAG
- Megan Fox
- Britney and her spawn
- Britney's sister and her spawn too
- And any other person who seems to have achieved so much publicity for having achieved NOTHING in life.
We'll miss you, pre-rehab, hot Lindsay!


I noticed Megan Fox on the list.

It'd be a shame if we somehow overlooked her. Could you please put her on the list again? Maybe at the top?
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I'd just love to see the look on her face when she gets her first bologna sandwich for lunch. "What, no Spago's?????":lol:lol:lol