Nerf Aliens Pulse Rifle Build

I cut 4 inch diameter pipe into 2 foot sections. Then i made a single cut from end to end. I put my oven on bake at 250 degrees and put the pipe in for a few minutes until it started to droop. Then I pulled it out (use oven mitts for sure) and set it on some nice flat sheet metal and put another sheet metal over it and put some weights on it until it cooled. Walah! A sheet of PVC to work with. As long as you keep the stove at a lower temperature and do not over cook the PVC I wouldn't worry about any fumes. I never smell anything when I make up sheets of it and the wife hasn't said anything about it either.

Thanks! I might give this a try.
Depends. Plastic suppliers can provide large sheets (4 feet by 8 feet), which you can find by looking to see if there's a plastics suppliers in your area's phone book. For smaller projects, check for local hobby shops. Or, if you can't find either of those, check hardware stores for garage sale/for sale/no trespassing signs, which they often also have a variety of thickness and color. Dollar stores also have those signs, normally two for a dollar.

Huh, I never thought about using plastic signs. Thanks for the tip! Does anyone have a suggested or preferred thickness of material for this type of build?
Huh, I never thought about using plastic signs. Thanks for the tip! Does anyone have a suggested or preferred thickness of material for this type of build?

You're welcome. A lot of people have use signs for budget building and regular building, having made a lot of good props from them.

Well, since you're going to be making a Lawgiver, you may want to use a thick gauge, like the thickness you get with your driver's license or a tad bit more than that (like what you get when you put two cards together, at least. I'm sure someone here can recommend a precise thickness number in millimeters). Going with something thin may end up having it break unintentionally.
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Hi Quest/OP

Thanks for posting your plans and how to to build this model. Didn't end up following it all the way, but couldn't have gotten to this point without your ideas.

For those of you living on the European side of the pond I have a friend and made me a set of CNC cut pieces to make this kit. but he made 2 by accident so I have an extra set to get rid of if anyone is interested. I am still waiting on the package to come in, once its here I'll post pictures

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For those of you living on the European side of the pond I have a friend and made me a set of CNC cut pieces to make this kit. but he made 2 by accident so I have an extra set to get rid of if anyone is interested. I am still waiting on the package to come in, once its here I'll post pictures

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I'll take em :D
Grey2231...I have the styrene sheet but would love to have them CNC'd if that's still possible?
I've been putting this build of for months now because of not facing up to the realities of cutting it by hand :D
Ok Canobi I'll send em your way when they get in, and Baron von blondle I will ask if he can make another. he is studying at a university and has access to the cnc machine on a limited basis, but i will see if he can crank out another one. Where are you located?
Very late to the party on this one but happened across this thread by accident when looking for 3D printed part models for an M41A. Inspired sufficiently that I've spent the last few weeks gathering all the Nerf guns and parts needed to get going on a build. Thanks to the OP for the inspiration and to all the others for their tricks and tips. I've zero experience with cutting and forming plasticard so we'll see how this turns out!
A2 sheets of 2mm plasticard due here today. Can anyone advise on the best adhesive for plasticard? Slaters Mek-Pak has been suggested, would that be sufficient?
Hey all,
This is my latest effort at a NERF PR .
I have modeled and 3D printed all the bits to put on the original parts that Quest used in his original build.
I think it has come up ok
I won't be releasing the files as yet so please don't ask for that ...but I will be selling kits in the near future ...price will be around $280 as a very rough guide.
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Isn't the Spas front grip an new addition that wasn't present on the original Quest rifle?

Either way, that front grip should be a popular item for those that did the sheet polystyrene build.
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