Need some feedback


New Member
Hi, first time posting although I've been a member for some time. The talent here never ceases to amaze me and has inspired me to attempt my first incursion into this world. This is one of two guns I'm currently working on and which I'm using to practise different techniques. Some feedback would be greatly appreciated as it's easy to fall into the trap of "it looks great to me". Obviously I need more experience and I'm hoping to improve as I create more pieces. I've also modded my Weta Goliathon 83 and I'm in the process of repainting my also Weta, Arc Generator.

Here's the Goliathon and my first custom gun:

Thanks. :)
I love the custom--very cool design and details (especially the little number/letter decals (?)!

Care to share build details and paint info? I'm guessing it's a modded airsoft or toy Beretta/clone, but....
I love the custom--very cool design and details (especially the little number/letter decals (?)!

Care to share build details and paint info? I'm guessing it's a modded airsoft or toy Beretta/clone, but....

Close, it's actually a Namco console game pistol with some pieces from various model kits.


I'd love to be able to build my own, especially as I have a few designs in mind, but I lack the tools and expertise. Paint is acrylic with some weathering I need to finish.
Thanks for the info. :)

Great paintjob--are you going to leave the weathering fairly subtle? Looks really nice "as is"...used, but not abused.
Thanks for the info. :)

Great paintjob--are you going to leave the weathering fairly subtle? Looks really nice "as is"...used, but not abused.

Thanks ToothTech! :)

I'm not sure if to leave it as it is. Was thinking of adding a few scratch marks but these have to look right and in just the right measure and as you say, I don't think it really needs it.

"Used, but not abused", I like that. :)
first pieces?! nice work my friend. i love that steampunk style gun.

Thanks! :) This is my first go at this but I've been a collector for some time and have always been facscinated by how certain collectables are created and finished. The steampunk one is one of the Dr. Grordbort guns by Weta. It originally had another paint finish and a large glass tube that I replaced with a custom made cyclinder with screw cap and some other minor changes.