Well, believe it or not, I could not find even ONE suitable body pattern online, mainly because most of them are separate parts, with arms and legs being attached. I don't think that would work for this doll because it does not have clothes that will hide the joints. The body is the clothes, or suit, so it's gonna have to be made custom I guess......I'm not good at drawing on the computer......
But here is the basic outline shape, it would be much easier to draw up on paper. This one is way too skinny.......
You will need to make a trial run for shape and size. I would make the pattern headless and the torso and limbs somewhat fat because a lot of material will be taken up when you stuff the body.
I think some kind of knit fabric would work best for this doll, not knit like a sweater, but knit like T-shirt fabric. In fact, you could use a t-shirt, they are plentiful and cheap this time of year, and you should be able to find a pretty red one. And also should have some old one laying around you can make the test run with.....
Draw your pattern off onto a double layer of the fabric. Draw your outline, then add 1/2 inch all the way around for seam allowance.....pin the two layers together scattered around inside the outline so it doesn't slip and slide when you sew it. It would be nice if you have a sewing machine that has a stretch stitch, but if not, use a very short stitch. Stitch all the way around the outline with a straight stitch, then about 1/8 inch into the seam allowance stitch all the way around again. Leave the neck open and be sure to back stitch when starting and ending both times as there will be a lot of strain in that area when you do the stuffing.
For the head, I would use a stuffed circle, carefully shaping it into a ball shape......gonna have to figure something out for that fin shape on the head.....probably can just make a little extra piece and sew or glue it on before doing the eyes.....but let's get the body together first.....
I recommend you use
poly fiber fill for the stuffing...and there's a trick to doing the stuffing so that it comes out smooth and not knotty and lumpy.....I'll write that up later....right now, just work on getting a good size and shape body......do a trial run body and stuff it up with loosely with some newspaper or paper towels or tissues, see how like the shape and size........
Does this sound doable?