Question Necroposting


Sr Member
Is there anything that can be done about necro-posting. It seems that every time open enrollment comes around there are a lot of people trying to get their post count up quickly by responding to threads that are 2 years old. Can we add in a "Are you sure you want to revive this thread?" box or something?
With the very restrictive membership times is it any surprise that once someone actually does get in they don't have a list of post dating far back that they would have loved to be part of?

Also just because the post is old for you, it isn't old for them, it's brand new in fact...

The restrictive membership procedure exponentially aggravates this situation and I personally don't believe it right in any fashion to 'punish' new members in any way for replying to something they were not able to reply to when it was new...
Plus if they open a new thread asking about something they will get told to use the search function or someone will just post a link to an old thread anyway.
Exactly def.. Which is what always happens.. I'm a newbie here and there are plenty of topics I want to respond too.. But if they a more than a few weeks old I don't see a need to bring it back up.. LOL.. Noticed a few newbies have posted in ones that are like 2 - 3 years old..

Best thing for us newbies, is to start a new topic and post about what they saw, wanted to know etc, and just link back to the old thread they were looking at.. It's what I normally would do.. And honestly, can't talk for others, but post count doesn't mean anything, especially when you have to be a member for 45 days before getting to post in JY.. By then if they have started to become part of the community they would have more than 20 posts.. Hell I've only been a member for a couple of days and I'm at 60 odd.. :lol Maybe I need a hobby.. :confused
I've never understood why it is considered such a bad thing.

It's not that's it's a bad thing all the time. I'm referring more to the ones that are posting in threads that are two years old with nothing more than "wow that's cool." If they were asking a question or adding something useful I wouldn't mind.
Also just because the post is old for you, it isn't old for them, it's brand new in fact...

Yup, when I joined I spent forever going through all the threads chronologically.....cause they were new to me.
Although I didn't post "wow, cool" in any of them.
And I still try not to in any current ones, either...with the exception of my all-time favorite thread: Rob's Death Star build. My apologies for that, I can't help it.
Mostly I say "wow, cool" in my head and move on.

If they have a question, I don't mind the old thread popping back up.
Neither of those are as annoying as the wow cool posts which quote the OP and the dozen huge pics in it as if we somehow have no clue what they are saying is cool.
Yeah I avoid quoting people in posts, especially pics ones.. If I do want to quote someone, I quote the post and edit everything out except for want I am replying too..
Well as one of the November intake, I have to say I am amazed some take offense to us commenting on older posts. Yes it`s old hat for you but not for us. Plus add if as pointed out we asked about a particular thing someone would say "use Search" or if kind enough link us to an older topic.
I try not to resurrect old threads but if someone left it hanging on ref or the progress of their work & I am interested, sorry i am going to ask them for any updates.

I don`t think it`s a major influx of newbies digging up old threads more like people are searching themselves & being overwhelmed to comment, rather than comment for a post count.

. . .
I try not to resurrect old threads but if someone left it hanging on ref or the progress of their work & I am interested, sorry i am going to ask them for any updates . . .


PS: I reserve the right to post an enthusiastic "Wow! Cool!" in any and all showoff threads.
Necroposting only bothers me here when someone revives a thread to add "cool!" or "nice work" or a stupid emoticon. If they're asking a valid question or adding to the thread it is fine. Infraction points should be added for lame 1 word responses to threads, double if they're necrolized.
On a personal level, attaboys or cheerleader postings drive me nuts (even though I have been guilty of them myself at times) whether the thread is new or old. I wish vB had a more developed like/dislike system, like facebook that would allow people to give a thumbsup or thumbsdown without adding essentially useless post.
Agreed, (Hey, isn't that an attaboy?) because there is no thumbs up or down system, one has to post wow cools otherwise the builder isn't getting feedback. I'm not one for handing out attaboys at work, either, but people really do like and respond well to them, so I try to do it to keep them happy once in a while. A thread of fifty wow cools (especially with massive pic quotes) gets extremely tiresome, though.

Awesome thread, keep it going! oh, wait....
I don't mind that kind of thing, as long as they aren't quoting all the images etc.. But a something like " That's sweet, nice job" etc doesn't hurt, it's called feedback..
I concur Beechy McFly, nothing wrong with letting someone`s hard work has been recognised. If they don`t want it they can state so in their initial (& ONLY) post :p

I concur Beechy McFly, nothing wrong with letting someone`s hard work has been recognised. If they don`t want it they can state so in their initial (& ONLY) post :p


But seriously man...seeing a thread from 2005 about someone painting a Don Post Boba Fett helmet that the last post was in July, 2005 just so a person who joined Yesterday can say, "cool" is ridiculous.

And the biggest problem for me is...they do that JUST to get rights to the junkyard.

I could tolerate it alot more if instead of "cool" it was....(per example)

"Wow man, that is really cool what you did with that paint job. I didn't see it posted originally, but did you use Spray Paints or did you airbrush it all? Maybe in layers? How did you do it?"

I've never understood why it is considered such a bad thing.
