Starting a Dexter prop collection... 17 years too late!


New Member
Now that I'm re-watching the Dexter series, I'd like to acquire a few props. Sadly, I think I'm at least a decade too late to the party. Rather than try to revive old thread, I'm hoping someone can lend a hand here.

To start, I'd like to purchase (or make) an ID badge with the leather badge holder, and of course, a box of blood slides. I prefer the versions of each prop from the early seasons (1-3). I'm looking for decent facsimile props - they don't have to be the ultimate, high-dollar perfect versions. Really just hoping to identify whatever is the best police leather ID holder and the best slide box that are readily available on Amazon or eBay or elsewhere online for starters.

Anyone have a good downloadable image of Dexter's ID laminate from the early seasons?
I do not have any special information about the series props, nor have I watched that many episodes. However I did some quick on-line searches to help point you in the right direction. I did a search for "neck chain badge holder" and then looked at the images available. I found the Sadnyy neck chain leather badge holder, Badge on one side, Identification card in a pocket of the other. This seems like a match, but as a fan you might find there are necessary details I missed. A search for Dexter provides some identification card images where you are see the card and the holder. I did not find any detailed cards but again I did not do an exhaustive search.

Thanks. I did find a good version of the badge holder on Amazon with the correct magnetic closure (rather than velcro, which most seem to use).

I haven't had much luck with the blood slide box, which appears is no longer made.

I'm also looking for Dexter's knife. Runs were done here in the past, but apparently those have dried up. I placed a WTB listing in the Classifieds section in case anyone is looking to sell theirs.
Here are a few paper props that I have saved on my hard drive. I don't have Dexters police ID but I hope these are useful.

292wav9.jpg 2cib904.jpg Batista-Business-Card.jpg dossier forensic dex.jpg

bandeau photo dexter.jpg
I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for you. Working on something similar for Warehouse 13 so I feel your pain.
I sent you a message with a link for the knives.

The kill knife from Norseman will be my next purchase. His knives are slightly smaller then on the show.
(Other sellers are way off)

I ended up buy a pair of Diesel Cassidy’s in my size instead.