My scratchbuilt DC-15 blaster rifle


New Member
Hi folks, as a newbie here I thought I would share a project I finished earlier in the year.

It's a DC-15 blaster rifle that I made for my 501st Clonetrooper armour.


Comments welcome guys.

Looks great! :thumbsup

What is it made out of? Any other pics you wouldn't mind sharing? I'm a sucker for Star Wars blasters, and this one's always been my favorite.
Hi guys. Thanks for the comments.:)

I'll post some pics of it being built shortly. The barrel is made from plastic pipe, styrene strips and MDF.

The underslung scope is plastic pipe and a funnel ( although I'm thinking about taking a cast and doing a resin version ).

The main body/stock are softwood.

It's really lightweight and comfortable to troop with.

Hi guys. Thanks for the comments.:)

I'll post some pics of it being built shortly. The barrel is made from plastic pipe, styrene strips and MDF.

The underslung scope is plastic pipe and a funnel ( although I'm thinking about taking a cast and doing a resin version ).

The main body/stock are softwood.

It's really lightweight and comfortable to troop with.


Looking good, also would be interested in the build pics.

Just noticed, we live very close to each other :)
Righty then, here goes.

Cut one length of 36mm dia. ABS pipe ( 660mm long ) one piece of 41mm dia. pipe ( 240mm ) & one 41mm dia. piece ( 25mm ).

The 240mm length is overlaid with eight 6 x 2 mm strips of styrene.Assembled with pipe weld with a 30mm step at the front

styrene strips and aluminium tubing added to complete barrel end details.

Softwood ( 40 x 40mm ) for the body, with MDF detailing and grip/trigger. Softwood stock carved ( similar size to a DLT19 although I made mine a little shorter, cos my arms aren't long ).

Barrel and body/stock attached with broom shank so that it can be split for transport

back sight on barrel and side slung boxes added to body

Underslung scope rail and top barrel detail made from MDF ( and a lot of filler )

Scope unit made from aerosol caps, styrene and a plastic funnel. Loads of filler and metallic paint.

Bottom scope balance made from MDF and styrene ( again, loads of filler )

All assembled ready for weathering

Nearly forgot the magazine made from MDF / styrene and the top section ( triangular section MDF, with aluminium rails down each side and metal hook clips, straightened for the details ).

And finally....... in action.
Looks good! :thumbsup

Thanks for the progress pics! I am going to embark on building a few of these and I am grateful.
Now i know this thread is a bit out of date, but it can really help me. Darren 1970 is it possible for you to email me with the build instructions? Because this site isn't loading on my computer and i can't see the images or writing properly on my phone. Thanks commander. P.s. It will end up going with my costume that i am building for my 501st

- - - Updated - - -

Now i know this thread is a bit out of date, but it can really help me. Darren 1970 is it possible for you to email me with the build instructions? Because this site isn't loading on my computer and i can't see the images or writing properly on my phone. Thanks commander. P.s. It will end up going with my costume that i am building for my 501st. If you could get back as soon as possible that would be great