My road legal 1:1 Batman Begins car.

Why would you block out your tag in some pics and not in others?

I always blocked out the first half in all the pics.

and thanks for all the coments guys - with TDK round the corner I see bat fever coming on in many.

Im going to try to get som epics with the roof off.
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Great car, but sad that you cant drive it like here on german autobahn:lol Nice house too:thumbsup It seems you will never have any problems with enough space for your props:lol
Take better care of it than Wayne did his in TDK. I've only seen a couple Lambos in person, couldn't imagine owning one, you're very fortunate. have fun, D!:love
I always blocked out the first half in all the pics.

and thanks for all the coments guys - with TDK round the corner I see bat fever coming on in many.

Im going to try to get som epics with the roof off.

Ok, now that I am less drunk. (Fun night!)

Great car. I have always liked the Lamborghini Murciélago. There used to be two of them in my local club. Beautiful car. That top though was a bi tch to get on and off. My buddy Russ had a slipper-shoe he kept in the car to hammer it in some places!!! As I recall he also had a switch installed so he could raise the wings when he wanted. Not to sure about that but I seem to recall it.

Enjoy the car! You live in Canada I see. Must be a pain not having lots of warm weather. I would hate to not put the top down. Though I do sometimes ride with mine down even in 50deg f weather!

Nice and I like this color..I still think the Lamborghini Countach is the most outrageous though...80's dream car for me.........just my opinion of course:cool
I live between the Uk & Canada - my props are all mostly in the UK - I intend to spend the most of my time in Canada - Im very happy to be out of the UK as much as I am - the UK is a broken country - its not a place I want my kids to grow up in. I spend a lot of time in Japan and Canada - you realise how the UK is a nasty horrid little place once your eyes are opened to living elsewhere.

Im sure a lot of Uk people feel this way. The length and bredth of the country is broken.

Enough Uk bashing....Back to the pros and cons of the car:lol....the weather in toronto during the summer is blisteringly hot - perfect roadster weather - Im looking at getting a LmA002 ( a lambo 4x4) 180mph top speed iirc- its an late 80s classic car - got a fi dialblo engine... previously called the rambolambo.:lol Its got a million things wrong with it but I like the history and the looks of the car. It makes the hummer ( i had an H2 until last week) look perfectly rounded and aerodynamic. Theres a lot of hate against the H2 - with the Lm002 people wont know what to think:)

The Lm002 will keep a smile on my face during the winter:lol while the roadster is in hybernation.

I need to get a daily driver in Canada - im using rentals just now which is a waste - not sure what to get till I find an lm002...that will take some time.

regarding the roof - it is a pos. Theres a couple people developing hardtops. Whoever can supply one first has got my business. Its the downside of a car like this - in the uk I use an Lotus Elise - it has a similarly bad roof but I used that one most days at one point.

Ill be getting the drive paved - maybe a heated one to avoid relying on companies to come in and dig me out the snow.

Heres a pic of the Uk cars - H2 is now sold - Elise going same way - will be getting a daily driver to sit around rusting while im not there.

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I love the lotus elise!
and even more so the Murcielago!
If only i had the cash for a car like that.... someday :D
You just need to get some Gotham plates to complete the look. That and a coupla hot European models. Thanks for sharing.
Phttt! That's not an accurate prop. Where's the two chicks?!

Once on vacation in hawaii I bought a metal 959 porsche model. At the bar I would tell women I had a 959, and they'd say 'right' and then I'd pull it out and go 'vroom vroom', then open the little door and ask if they wanted a ride.
They either laughed or moved away.
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