My Quantum Leap Ziggy Handlink Project


Sr Member
OK guys, now that I finally have some free time, I'm starting work on this project. I'm going to model it in 3d, but from there I'm not sure the best way to go. I want to be able to send the model out, get parts back, but I need to be able to drill holes in the pieces for screws and LEDs before getting the parts cast to offer a VERY LIMITED run of replicas. I was thinking that a rapid prototype might be good, but I hear the parts you get back are soft, and I would definately mess that up. So my next idea is to get the individual parts cut from plexiglass, but I would need some really thick plexi for some parts, and I don't know if it is even made that thick. It has to be something I can drill, fit, etc before the final molding stage. If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated.

*edit* Just wanted to add that ther are no curved parts on the prop, all flat edges *edit*
The only advice I can give you is please let me know when these are available.. :D
Yeah, wish I could offer some advice, but I'm definitely down for one of these when you get them made.

Wasn't the original square LEDs? Try and find out what the original was and then go from there is my suggestion (yeah, not ground breaking but there you go)
Maybe the thicker pieces can be made from clear/colored resin. It would make multiple copies easier as well as you'd just have to repour the molds for each one.

I'm really looking forward to see how this comes out. It would be cool to get one with lights and maybe a random sound board.

I managed to get my hands on some of the old LED blocks that were used on the originals. I'll see if I can dig them out and take some pictures and dimensions for you.

Originally posted by Gigatron@Aug 14 2005, 09:22 AM
Maybe the thicker pieces can be made from clear/colored resin.  It would make multiple copies easier as well as you'd just have to repour the molds for each one.

I'm really looking forward to see how this comes out.  It would be cool to get one with lights and maybe a random sound board.

That's the plan, but I need a prototype made up so I can finalize the parts before molding.

I've already contacted hyperdyne about the electronics and he says he can do the lights and sounds :)
looking at the pics posted in the other thread, you can defintly make out the "j" battery, as well as what looks like a 40 pin EEPROM chip above it. (Electronically Eraseable Programable Read Only Memory).
Wonder if thats there for looks or function? If its function, the electronics on this are gonna be a real B**ch.
Like most, I was thinking all the LED's were set up on a timed flasher circuit with the brass pips being used to interupt the sequence of certain junctions. Just a guess.
As for the actual plastic link itself, If you look close at the pics, you can make out two layers of 1/4 inch plex/ lucite making up the middle section. Not too sure about the bottom, but the top appears to have a 1/16 clear layer with all the colored bits on top of it forming the "lid". Most of the colored pieces appear to 1/8 inch thick with the excepti0on being the block like shapes holding some of the LED's.
With accurate dimensions, a non-working one of these would be pretty easy to assemble.
I have the exact dimensions now. but this project is for a fully functional replica :)

More info to come.
Would you be willing to post a link to your plans/ drawings? Maybe get this thing off the ground after all.
It's off the ground, I've been working on it. I'll post progress when I have a bit more to show :)
I have always wanted to get one of these, marke me down as absolutely interested in one. I have the original posted shots on my pc. I think they have been posted here and on the other thread, but you can always pm me with your e-mail if you want me to zip them out to you.
I think I have the shots you are talking about, but you can send me anything you have to

I'm trying to make this as accurate as possible, down to light sequences and all :)
Just thought I'd post a little progress for you guys. As you can see, I'm about 50% done with the template for the back piece of the link. Almost ready to send it out to get some plexi cut. I'm really exited about this project, and I hope the interest is still here :)
ok, the back template is just about done, just need to make sure the lines and angles are just right and add screw holes. I'm going to work on the middle section before the faceplate. A member here has some block LEDs and he is going to give me the dimensions, so I'll wait for those. Thanks for looking.
