My first Predator Costume

Thank you Jmen! I may take you up on this offer after I become frustrated with multiple fails on my own ;)

Accelerom - Download - 4shared - Евгений Дорохин
I have cut some peices for a plated look going down the curve of the back of the pack, may install those later tonight. After some more details and fitting as well, it will be paint time I do want to modify it a little, as i wanted the inner bottom to curve in a bit more.....
Man, you are on fire! :D

Also, for those looking to avoid casting dread beads, i found a cheap way to do them. Although the method is a pain as well. I bought pvc electrical conduit from home depot, Scored and carved it with woodworking knives, cut it to size, then used a heat gun to soften the ends, then a round ended handle to push in the softened ends to flare the beads...

And that above is why the Predatorium is lucky to have new blood like you bro! :D

Looks really good man!
Know of anyplace that does the 6oz version? The 24 oz is $24 and makes it a bit pricey for a $15 piece. Or a viable alternative?
You need to read about 3d printing materials. If your cannon is abs plastic - you can use aceton. Brushing layers or make an acetone bath. This is my own opinion, you also need to ask advice to other members, who have more exp in 3d printing.
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