My custom flashgun saber... (Pic Heavy)


Active Member
Hello RPF'ers! Long-time lurker and new member here. Glad to be aboard! Although I am blown away by the breadth and diversity of awesome props here (some of you are nothing short of artists!), I am pretty much just a saber guy myself. I am currently putting together an all original Luke ANH with real calc bubbles and Saberfreak's grips- kind of a holy grail piece for me! As soon as it's done I will post some pics.

By way of an introduction, I wanted to share some pics of a custom flashgun saber I built. It is made from parts from a couple different models of Canon flashguns, as well as the rubber grip from an old flashlight, a d-ring, some textured mylar tape, and a Blast-Tech calc strip. I really like the Original Trilogy feel to it! This one is my "battle-worn" version, but I am also working on an identical version which is almost pristine.

I know some of you out there have built some nice hardware sabers, but I haven't seen too many others who have made a custom design from real flashgun parts. If anyone else has done this, please show some pics!











Wow, that looks fantastic! I always had trouble with the grips when I made hardware sabers. I don't know what you used, but it looks great.

I am impressed.
I like it. It keeps with the style of the episodes 4 through 6. I always like seeing something a different as well as people doing their own work instead of buying store bought.
Thanks for the kind words guys. The grip actually shines up nicely with a little Armor-all :). The flashlight it came from was just a cheap army-navy store special. It's killing me because I don't remember any brand name (if it even had one), and I can't find another one anywhere. I might just have to make a slightly different version with the other parts I have.
Now that's what I call some old school style RPF'ing! Nicely done!! I miss the custom home made sabers of the past here at the RPF :)
Very Nice!! Old school is THE way to go when it comes to custom sabers, as far as I'm concerned.
Sweet! That is awesome! Tired of all the Trek and Star Wars stuff but this is very well done and I like it!
Welcome to the board (nice to see a fellow New Yorker)

That's a fine looking saber you got there. I agree with all the comments
the grip is a great find, and the old school feel is very tasty.
nicely done-
Very cool. With all the buttons, knobs, and writing it almost reminds me of a kind of Original Trilogy era training saber. Nice job!
Nice work. I like to see customs.:thumbsup
I like the grip as well. You don't see often someone go the all rubber handle (which would be a better grip in the real world then many of the metal ones.)

Makes me laugh to read all the "old school saber" cheerleading - like some of the Sabers in Ep. 3 didn't have that look as well:rolleyes
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Thanks for the kind words guys. The grip actually shines up nicely with a little Armor-all :). The flashlight it came from was just a cheap army-navy store special. It's killing me because I don't remember any brand name (if it even had one), and I can't find another one anywhere. I might just have to make a slightly different version with the other parts I have.

The brand is Canon I think.

Verrry nice... What kind of clamp is that??

The clamp is the original from the flashgun. The elongated oval holes are there to begin with. All I added was the tape and calc bubbles.

to Anakin Starkiller: Yes, the flashguns I used were Canon brand, but it is the brand of flashlight which the grip came from which I am trying to discover. It's probably just a Chinese no-name cheapo :unsure.