MR Obi Wan EP III saber question


Sr Member
I was looking at some ads for the MR Obi Wan EP III Force FX sabers and they're selling for $300-$400! Did these get really scarce or something?
No, someone trying to rape someone else's wallet..

The original MSRP was $349 so if you're trying to buy it new from a website that is probably what the asking price is.

I've seen them go on the RPF for $200-$300.
The original MSRP was $349 so if you're trying to buy it new from a website that is probably what the asking price is.

I've seen them go on the RPF for $200-$300.

The Force FX sabers were that much?????
That was the price for the Limited Editions wasn't it.
The original MSRP was $349 so if you're trying to buy it new from a website that is probably what the asking price is.

I've seen them go on the RPF for $200-$300.

I'm talking about the force fx ones that light up,:)
not the hilt only pieces.
Thanks for the replies...
Oh, the FX ? Yeah, MSRP was $129 on those. Anything over that is a rip. Frys and toys-r-us still has them for $110.