Mr Incredible PredSuit Mod VS total Custom suits


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Mr incredible suit VS - Custom cut upholstery foam Question / Debate --- For the Pred Suit fanatics -- Your Pred suit experiences

Does the Modified Mr Incredible Latex Suit wear and move better than say a suit made from a long sleeve with muscles hand cut out of upholstery foam and latex?
I'm debating which to do for my next suit.

Has anyone worn both types - Are there difference in movement / heat dissipation?

  • The Mr Incredible seems a quicker way to get started - plus the muscles are sewn into the fabric and need the obvious modifications covered in the tutorials made famous here.
  • However - custom cut upholstery foam muscle suits - look a heck of a lot better - but man all that dense foam... its gotta inhibit movement more and keep the heat in more. a hypothesis - but its not based on any experience of my own.

  • So - how do your suits experiences differ ? ( are some of your past designs too hot - or have too poor movement)
  • Has anyone worn both styles for comparison?
  • Can you compare you're own Mr incredible suit experiences - (your Predsuit V1.0 vs your 2.0 experiences.)

Thanks -

Hope to hear your experinces and learn from them

Mr incredible suit VS - Custom cut upholstery foam Question / Debate --- For the Pred Suit fanatics -- Your Pred suit experiences

Does the Modified Mr Incredible Latex Suit wear and move better than say a suit made from a long sleeve with muscles hand cut out of upholstery foam and latex?
I'm debating which to do for my next suit.

Has anyone worn both types - Are there difference in movement / heat dissipation?

  • The Mr Incredible seems a quicker way to get started - plus the muscles are sewn into the fabric and need the obvious modifications covered in the tutorials made famous here.
  • However - custom cut upholstery foam muscle suits - look a heck of a lot better - but man all that dense foam... its gotta inhibit movement more and keep the heat in more. a hypothesis - but its not based on any experience of my own.

  • So - how do your suits experiences differ ? ( are some of your past designs too hot - or have too poor movement)
  • Has anyone worn both styles for comparison?
  • Can you compare you're own Mr incredible suit experiences - (your Predsuit V1.0 vs your 2.0 experiences.)

Thanks -

Hope to hear your experinces and learn from them


Im getting ready to start mine. Going the long sleeve t route. I want more control over the base muscular system and overall i want it to fit to me perfect. (im 6"5) so im going that route.
Just want to give my experience my first suit was with the MR. I method. what i got out of it.

1.Latex is gonna be hot period if since youll be covering the longsleeve with unpholstery in latex as well theres gonna be no diffrence there.

2.Why not find something more flexible then say upholstery foam to add to the sleeved shirt? im sure theres tons of diffrent things you could use as of right now i will be going for a custom made suit for myself and i will be checking into muscle materials here soon.

3.With the MR. I. suit if yer taller than 6 foot dont buy it cause it wont fit you. im am 6 foot and 1/2 inch and it was a tight fit into it. also there was way to much extra fabric in the belly so you would have to modify that anyways might as well make a custom suit to fit ya perfect. and i have a 38 inch waist so if ya got say a 34 inch waist if you dont modify it that will be once lose pred suit.

4.Also i hated the base muscles for the MR. I. suit period except for the legs they were preety decent but the top looks way to fake you need to have a more realistic look to it it will look but a custom pred suit would look way better.

5.Cant think of anything else at the moment since im extremely tired if i dont i will hit this thread back up.
Im 6"5 so the I suit was out of the question. I started my tape suit and got it peeled off sat night. Going the full custom route. Im documenting the whole process, ill post them up when i have something to contribute.
I'm 6'2 and I sport a Mr. I suit, so I'm not sure why you feel it won't fit.

Once the neck ring was on, any gaps near the top of the suit were hidden. I found it a much more comfortable and functional wear then the 2 piece Lycra suit I had previously.

Damn yer 6 2 and it fit ya man i feel like my balls are being crushed in the mr i suit i have to hike it up to get it over my shoulders. well that was my expierience maybe it is made diffrently from diffrent places
Damn yer 6 2 and it fit ya man i feel like my balls are being crushed in the mr i suit i have to hike it up to get it over my shoulders. well that was my expierience maybe it is made diffrently from diffrent places
i know what you mean. it sucks doesn't it.
I sport a Mr.I
It served me well for ComiCon and Halloween. It was my first suit. I didnt use enough prosaide when i painted it so the pain job is shot. Im 6,1 180 pounds but a thin/athletic frame. It fit good after it was done. There was some bulkiness/baginess on my back and my legs where my body wasnt big enuf to fill it out but once most armor was on u couldnt tell. I had to replace the zipper and even the industrial one broke at comicon....but after it broke, since i have AVP armor, body netting and wore a black under shirt u couldnt even tell the zipper was open and it actually ventilated my body heat quite well. I used a piece of 550 cord and poked 2 holes at the top of zipper on each side of skin and tied it to hold suit on pics are on my profile
I've also got the problem of being big (6'9"). However I did locate a "George of the Jungle" muscle suit in what I'm sure is 3x (all I know for certain is that is fits). I'm going to go with a two piece suit and use the waist armor/belt as a cover up to hide the seam. This should also help facilitate bathroom breaks. I've worked in a number of haunted houses and spent many a night in latex prosthetics, heavy leather armor (1/8 inch thick stuff) and stage makeup. Anyone who's done this kind of stuff will tell you, you'll sweat and sweat a lot. Make you build a suit with the necessary accommodations to allow drinking fluids......and getting rid of them. Also the more comfortable you make it (ie. NOT crushing your family jewels) the more time you'll be able to spend in it out on convention floors etc. enjoying your creation.