MR 212th Attack Battalion Helmet arrived today


Sr Member
Okay so it's not that different than the other clone buckets but it is definitely cool to display them all together. Something worth mentioning is that the insert now has a still from the film beautifully printed on the inside leaf. Next stop...Commander Gree!

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Thanks! Oh I should mention the 212th bucket is noticeably heavier than any other of the MR clones.
I'm not sure but I think the fiberglass is thicker. Tapping the surface near the chin...all the previous clones have a more hollow sound. The 212th sounds solid.
So you think the 212th is built differently than the others, not just painted differently? That's interesting.

I wonder why MR didn't emphasize this in their advertising. They might have generated more interest if they'd mentioned that the changes are not just cosmetic.

The buckets do look very nice clustered together like that. Sharp display, Jediwannabe. :thumbsup
Thanks for the compliment regarding the display Temponaut.

Regarding the 212th, perhaps MR decided that their buckets should be a little more durable than their predacessors? They probably would not advertise that. I don't think that the dimensions are any diiferent...besides the thinkness of the fiberglass shell...but what do I know.

Anyone else get a 212th bucket and notice the difference?
Hello Jez,

I don't have a scale at home but the weight difference is very noticeable. When I picked the 212th up I immediately thought it was heavier. When I compared them side by side there was no question.

Upon further inspection I have found some visual proof. The fiberglass around the visor is much thicker on the 212th creating a much deeper setback for the visor. I am measuring the ridge just above where the tooth meets the visor and it is 1.2 cm for the 212th. The fiberglass at that point is more than twice as thick as the Shock Trooper & Star Corps which measures .6 cm. The white clone and Special Ops are not as noticeable visually measuring .8 cm...but the weight is still absolutely different.

Am I the only one who bought the 212th?
So I posted a question on MR's site and here's what MRBryan had to say:

"Hi Jediwannabe!

These helmets were made from a new vendor, so with their process, the fiberglass is a little thicker than the previous Clone Helmets


I guess that settles it.
Thanks for the comparison shot and the intel from MR, Jediwannabe. As you said, that settles it.

It's a "scoop" of sorts. :)

Odd that MR never mentioned the new maker and different composition before. I'd have thought it would have sparked interest in the helmet. But, as you pointed out, perhaps MR was afraid that such an announcement might be interpreted as "our previous helmets weren't too good." :angel
Okay so it's not that different than the other clone buckets but it is definitely cool to display them all together. Something worth mentioning is that the insert now has a still from the film beautifully printed on the inside leaf. Next stop...Commander Gree!


Not only are they heavier, they are bigger, look at the size compared to the MR Falcon. :) :)

Got #23 the other day. Didn't notice a significant difference other than the "fit & finish" was much better (accuracy in ranking/color too). I think an announcement on anything new would have been like "We have quality control now" so better left unsaid. That said, quality control is much better.

(And I know it's a Code 3 Falcon).
look at the size compared to the MR Falcon. :) :)
:lol :lol :lol

I think an announcement on anything new would have been like "We have quality control now" so better left unsaid. That said, quality control is much better.
The quality control problems on earlier helmets was, of course, not much of a secret. But it's good to know that MR has found a more reliable production facility and the buckets are coming out better. Let's hope this holds true for subsequent helmet releases. Bring on the Gree! :love