Movies you didn't think you'd like but wound up loving..

There are tons of movies that fit this situation for me, but I'm mostly drawing a blank right now.

The only one that jumps to mind is Nightcrawler. The trailer really didn't catch my interest but a friend dragged me to see it and I loved it.
Interview With a Vampire
Dances With Wolves
The Last Samurai
Gladiator (Russel Crow)
The Wedding Ringer with Josh Gadd and Kevin Heart......."Bic Mitchum......what do I wear a ******* cape!"
Due Date, thought RDJ and Galifinakis did great..."Ethan Chase sounds like an actors name, Ethan Tremblay doesn't make any ******** sense".
I can't stand Melissa McCarthy, but The Heat gave me a chuckle.

Can you start a thread for movies I thought would suck and I was right.....boy do I have a list for that one!
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Blade Runner

Thought it was going to be some cheesy sci-fi movie that didn't live up to the hype. I finally watched it about 2 months ago and Holy *Beep* it was amazing.
Well there was no trailer but I thought I would hate Back to the Future.

For you young ins, the majority of the time the only thing you knew about a film was from a picture they would put in the newspaper near the times of the shows. I was like 10 and I just did not understand the picture ( I think it was Fox standing in the doorway of the delorean) and my grandmother was just "Let's go anyway".

Of course, I loved it!
"Star Trek: The Motion Picture"

I was under 5 years old when it came out and didn't see it in the theater. In later years, all I knew was that it was viewed as a colossal disappointment. I later saw it when I was around 10 or 11 and was surprised how much I liked it. It actually gets better and better each year as the "Star Trek" movie that comes closest to "epic" in presentation from the standpoint of design, score, story, music, and effects. Yeah, it's slow in pace but for some strange reason, I enjoy it.

It's a cerebral story that could not be released now in our era of movies that are designed for the shortest of attention spans. It really is a beautiful movie and a gem in the sci-fi pantheon.

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The Harry Potter movies. I played the LEGO games (so whatever year the first one came out) with my nephew before seeing any of the movies and from that I figured the story must be interesting. I generally didn't like fantasy, D&D, LOTR, etc. shows. And yes my cousins pointed out the stupidity of that since I love SW and it's wizards in space. :lol
One flew over the cuckoo's nest- I just didn't look like a movie that held up well.
American beatuy- this one changed the way I look at the world
Fight club- though it was the dumbest idea and tittle for a movie until I watched it.
And the biggest surprise to me was ...
The Notebook- looked like the template for a chick flick, and maybe it is. But if you've ever been in love, this one nails the feeling.
The Grinch:
I could barely sit through it the first time I saw it, but I started to like it the second time I saw it, and now I've seen it a half dozen times, I just LOVE it! It gets better with every viewing.
Here's one that I love that seems to get a lot of hate. (not sure if there was a thread for that topic but I couldn't find it via search)

I knew when I saw the trailer for it I would love it, and after I saw it in the theater I was obsessed with it. I think I saw it 7 times when it was released...

Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow

Great cast including Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Giovanni Ribisi, and Angelina Jolie. I loved the "steampunk" vibe. The mashup of WW2 era and sci-fi elements. The use of Laurence Olivier archive footage. Just an awesome little retro adventure.

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Donnie Darko... Everyone I talked to told me it was awful.. Don't watch it.. Etc etc.

Its definitely not a great movie.. It's probably not even a good movie.. But man do I love it.
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