MOST recast props?

I was just thinking about the Colonial Viper kit I just started building and how many other viper kits I had passed on simply because even for a cheap price, they just looked like they would be too much work to try to make look decent in the end.

This led me to wonder: what (in our opinions here as hobbyists) do you think are some of the MOST recast prop and/or spacecraft and/or figure kits?

Surely the fertility idol from Indy has got to rank up there in the top 3?

But what about certain lightsabers or even better, TOS Trek props (like phaser 2)?

What do you guys think? Weigh in with your guesses/thoughts/opinions.

Just for fun.

NOTE! This is NOT a thread to talk about recasters, their products, who done who wrong, or the like. It is STRICTLY a survey about what we think are the most recast props, etc. Please PLEASE PLEASE keep on topic.

ST5 or 6 Assault Phaser.

Recast so much, that recasts were bought and used by the studio between ST5 and ST6.

Indy idle for sure.

BSG laser pistol.
5th Element guns, Battlestar Galactica blaster, Biker Scout Blasters, Thermal Detonators... see em on ebay all the time.
Sarge's Top Ten... (no particular order)

1. Indy Idols
2. Latinum bars
3. Stargate Replicators
4. ST commbadges
5. 3PO heads
6. Stormtrooper Helmets
7. Well of Souls medallion
8. Mal guns
9. New Galactica guns
10. Zat guns

I see a lot of Blade Runner guns out there from time to time. Kenner Scout Trooper Pistols, Warped Icons Pulse Rifles, I Robot guns...

That's what I was thinking. Cast from the original by some Don Post employee. Yeah right, more likey a BM, SGB, or Fang. (take that as a compliment though Sgt. Fang!)

I'd say the MSH boba helmet....I see those on ebay all the time.
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That's all good info. But lets be sure to keep the recasters themselves out of the thread.

Any other props/kits that seem to be EVERYWHERE and poorly so?

The Icons Predator Bio has got to be right up there aswell as the Terminator CPU and arm.