modding a stunt saber


New Member
is there a tutorial out there on how to take apart a graflex flash head, i want to mod mine so i can add a texalium stunt blade in it.

also i need hints to the wareabouts to find a bottom for this thing it is going to be very inspired by the stunt saber that dave stokes floted around
The trick to that is to carefully remove the pin that holds the ears on.
Work from the bottom...if it's straight you can use a finishing nail or something simillar...once it gets started you can gently work it from the top with something like a screwdriver to pry it (gently) and work it out...once that's out...remove the ears, red button, glass eye and the screw in front.

Also you might have to unscrew the brass prongs in the ports.
I use a needle nosed plier and working it like a wrench, grabbing the hex part, unscrew them.

Here's a shot of the Stunt currently...If you need any references let me know , I'll be happy to take some pics for you :)
I still have a few mods to make on it...ears and grips...

thanks sporak that helped some this thing will never be hero it is beat up some, now i just need to fix up a clamp thats one piece around with a set screw or something and ask those guys a random sabers if they have something that will fit inside the shell of the flash head :D
all right i have my empty shell of a flash head(this color green in side shure is purtty) :eek anyone out there know of anybody making innards that look like the orignal to support the prop blades something i can drill out or fix up thanks