Metropolis False Maria Sculpt: New Completed Torso 5/12/11


Sr Member
I thought I would post some progress pics of my personal project : a 1:1 False Maria sculpt from Metropolis. This has been a slow project that I always back burner but Im determined to get all done at some point!!

I have a few more details that Ill post as I get pics. Im also working on a display stand that I should have done this week so I can pose it standing.

Head sculpt and front torso:


Upper arms:


Upper arms and torso:




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Re: Metropolis False Maria Sculpt


One of my favorite movies. My father just gave me one of the Masudaya's as a gift. I love this thing!
Re: Metropolis False Maria Sculpt

Its a one off that Im scratch building. It will be a wearable costume. I have the boot sculpts done , which are weird elevated boots, forearms and Im now working on the back torso.

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Re: Metropolis False Maria Sculpt

Absolutely one of my favorite designs of all time. I admire your work so much!

One day I'd love to have one of these too... making it yourself must make it feel so much more amazing as you see things come together, yeah?
Re: Metropolis False Maria Sculpt

I dont consider myself a sculptor so anytime I can make ANYTHING take on any sort of resemblence to the original Im surprised myself!

It is fun seeing something take shape. I gotta admit that this one is a bit challenging partly due to poor reference materials when I started but even these have gotten better with HD DVD items etc.

Re: Metropolis False Maria Sculpt

It's supposed to be released on Blu-Ray this year but i haven't heard anything new since the end of last year.
Re: Metropolis False Maria Sculpt

Excellent sculpt! :thumbsup

BTW I had heard a year or so ago, that a print of Metropolis had been found that contained most of (if not all of) the missing footage, so finally a complete version of the film could be made. I can't remember the details.

But this happened more recently than the last "restored" DVD that came out, so I would imagine the NEXT release will be complete. Hopefully.

- k
Re: Metropolis False Maria Sculpt

Excellent sculpt! :thumbsup

BTW I had heard a year or so ago, that a print of Metropolis had been found that contained most of (if not all of) the missing footage, so finally a complete version of the film could be made. I can't remember the details.

That's the 16mm Venezuela print they found. The first complete print of the movie. Apparently KINO is incorperating all the lost footage for their blu ray release that was supposed to happen this year. As was said above, haven't heard anything since last year. It was pretty much the most exciting news of my life. :lol
Re: Metropolis False Maria Sculpt

Im looking foreward to seeing a completed version. I wish they would include as much behind the scenes info as possible.

Re: Metropolis False Maria Sculpt

Again bro, looks awesome. Mind blowingly awesome.
